Thursday, May 25, 2017

Why whites aren't the most racist people

DATA, real information - if you can handle it. Wake up, people. Stop the tedious race baiting that only fuels more racism. Looking for it and harping on it doesn't serve a real purpose except to feed your own anger. I faced racist attacks from both blacks and whites growing up. Racism is a contagious and insidious state of mind that blinds and deafens. Veils the senses in bitter darkness thru which everything is filtered. It is maddening to try to break thru the darkness, to enlighten and lighten the ugly burden - people seem addicted to it. They want to cultivate it, not be freed from it.
Why whites aren't the most racist people
Jay Fayza uses facts and statistics to show that whites and western nations are the least racist and bigoted people on earth contrary to lies told by liberal...

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