Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Homo Naledi: Chamber Full of Bones Reveals Primitive Humans Lived Alongside Our Ancestors in Africa - and Deliberately Hid Their Dead

It represents the richest fossil hominin site in Africa ever found.(!) Rare and huge. Exciting! This will alter the family tree. "A recently-discovered species of early human appears to have hidden its dead, indicating a more sophisticated level of intelligence and possibly even the early signs of culture. Homo naledi is a species of hominin that lived between 335,000 and 236,000 years ago. Scientists announced its discovery in 2015 after finding a cave just outside Johannesburg, South Africa, full of its remains. It represents the richest fossil hominin site in Africa ever found. The discovery is remarkable, because the species would have lived alongside Homo sapiens - our direct ancestors. Before H. naledi was discovered, scientists did not think any other hominin species lived at the same time as the first humans in Africa." ~ article
Homo Naledi: Chamber Full of Bones Reveals Primitive Humans Lived Alongside Our Ancestors in Africa - and Deliberately Hid Their Dead
On 5/9/17 at 5:51 AM Tech & Science paleoanthropology Evolution Human Evolution homo naledi homo sapiens A recently-discovered species of early human appears to have hidden its...

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