Saturday, May 27, 2017

Opinion | The Problem Isn’t Food Stamps, It’s Poverty

The folks who voted Trump 2016 in places with stagnant job economies like Kentucky, where dependence on Obamacare and Food Stamps is wide spread, had better wake up after they collapse from shock and take notes for the next election. Strike One - healthcare, Strike Two - Food Stamps, Strike Three? You and your children are not qualified for jobs in the growth industries of the present or any future market. That is the issue. Relying on dreams of past employment is misleading - all lies, so unfair and cruel. Budget cuts gone unacceptably wild. The real issue is that people cannot make enough money from low wage jobs to provide the minimal basics or survival, like food and shelter. When one doesn't study anything about the history, economics, or sociology, of one's own country it is easy to recreate a problem or dramatically worsen it and thus weaken the fabric of an entire society. There is NEVER A REASON TO DENY NUTRITION AND SUSTENANCE to any human being. Especially children. Shifting the burden to states will, without question, drop many in need from the program and accentuate the burden of poverty as starvation increases again across this rich nation. It will compromise developmental health of little ones, performance in school, and the labor force. It will not increase the labor force, this is already the working poor. Back to the days of sponsoring children in the US thru "Feed the Children". I'll never forget those commercials, images, and pleas for donations for American children. Outrageous! "Benefits average only $1.40 per person per meal, ineligible recipients are rare and incorrect payments are few. Into the bargain, food stamps support the farm economy and the broader economy by creating a bigger market for food and supplying cash that is quickly spent."
Opinion | The Problem Isn’t Food Stamps, It’s Poverty
That so many working households qualify for the aid reflects the prevalence of low wage jobs, the real problem Washington should be solving.

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