Monday, May 22, 2017

A radical view for age of superbugs: Don't fight infections. Live with them

"Her approach, in a nutshell: Stop worrying so much about fighting infections. Instead, help the body tolerate them." Fighting antibiotic-resistant super bugs with more drugs is an impossible feat. And it indeed doesn't make sense. Helping the body to endure and repair the effects of infection, to survive. This is brilliant! "Scientists have focused for decades on the how the immune system battles pathogens. Ayres believes other elements of our physiology are at least as important - so she's hunting for the beneficial bacteria that seem to help some patients maintain a healthy appetite and repair damaged tissue even during bouts of serious disease. If she can find them - and she's already begun to do so - she believes she can develop drugs that will boost those qualities in patients who lack them and help keep people alive through battles with sepsis, malaria, cholera, and a host of other diseases. Her approach, in a nutshell: Stop worrying so much about fighting infections. Instead, help the body tolerate them."
A radical view for age of superbugs: Don't fight infections. Live with them
Physiologist Janelle Ayres is upending our understanding of how to fight disease. Her mantra: Don't kill pathogens. Train the body to live with them.

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