Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Bertha Benz - the woman at the wheel of the first ever road trip

The title of the article sells her very short. She was a visionary whose money and ideas expanded the scope of the invention of the car and put Mercedes-Benz on top. "Her name was Bertha Benz, born today in 1849 in Pforzheim, Germany. She married to Karl Benz – the man credited today with inventing the car – but as a lady of independent means she had provided much of the funding for the project. Moreover, while Karl was a genius engineer, he was neither a businessman nor a visionary. His ambition for his car was so limited he didn't even think to fit it with a fuel tank."
Bertha Benz - the woman at the wheel of the first ever road trip
Why is it that perhaps the most important car journey ever undertaken remains largely unknown to this day, some 125 years later? Why does the journey that proved the concept of the car as a...

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