Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago | InsideClimate News

Denying that "Climate Change is impacted by man" is the falling for the same fatal profit scenario that obfuscated, denied, "smoking is linked to lung cancer". There's never a simple absolute, that's not science and idiotic to the highest degree. But, climate change denial is 100% about profit. Denying man's impact on the climate is just this stupid: Just because you smoke does not mean you'll get or die of lung, mouth, or throat, cancer. That's not a fact, there's no proof. Nonsmokers get those cancers. That's a fact. Therefore, we don't really know that smoking causes cancer at all. Smoking does damage the lungs, but smoking poses no real mortal danger and doesn't effect your body, just your lungs. Yes, that is exactly the same logic fed to and uttered by climate change denial. Like the tobacco industry cover-up of tobacco's direct link to cancer in the 1960's, Exxon sponsored research in 1979 (did the research themselves) that quantified the impact of fossil fuels on the environment and the climate concluding in TOTAL CONCURRENCE with the then called "green house effect". The article is very detailed and well-cited. (I've posted articles on the Exxon research before, twice.) Big Tobacco told us smoking was safe. Tobacco sponsorship (PR) money meant everyone in movies smoked, required to whether they were smokers or not - fact. There was research published in the early 1960s that quantified a direct link between tobacco and cancer. Though it was known or suspected well before that. The tobacco industry buried the research, that's documented in their internal documents, and continued to pay a lot of money to skew public opinion. They manipulated the nicotine to increase its addictive properties, which they still do. However, we know based on science and research that if you do smoke, there will be an impact with quantifiable, permanent, damage to your lungs and therefore your entire body due to impaired lung function (less oxygen, quite dire to the brain and heart, for example). Whether it's a cancer or not, you will suffer widespread degrees of consequences. You increase the risk of cancer exponentially and once you do it's too often too late. If you deny industrial impact on the environment, atmosphere, and therefore the climate - which is the Earth's regulating ecosystem...then do not EVER tell anyone NOT to smoke. Even your kids.
Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago | InsideClimate News
At a meeting in Exxon Corporation's headquarters, a senior company scientist named James F. Black addressed an audience of powerful oilmen. Speaking without a text as he flipped through detailed slides, Black delivered a sobering message: carbon dioxide from the world's use of fossil fuels would war...

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