Monday, May 1, 2017

Charlton Heston - Political Correctness Vs Common Sense

What about the legislation in this video? I support it. I don't trust or support the NRA. Felons shouldn't have guns and should get an automatic sentence for having one - used in a crime or not. Legislation the NRA proposed to Clinton, who rejected it, and they supported with $1M in one state. Do not dis my man!! He was not a fanatic about guns. He was not an idiot. Try to listen to this ENTIRE piece with open ears and mind. Difficult for highly polarized people to do. His advice to the audience is valid. Don't believe the headlines or stories or what a President, Dan Rather, Michael Jordan, or Charlton Heston tells you. Find the real information out yourself. BOOM mike drop.
Charlton Heston - Political Correctness Vs Common Sense
In a speech at Brandeis University, Charlton Heston spoke about gun policies, political correctness, and the necessity to always challenge authority. http://...

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