Sunday, May 21, 2017

A Radical Approach against Superbugs: Learn to Live with Them

Brilliant! "Her approach, in a nutshell: Stop worrying so much about fighting infections. Instead, help the body tolerate them. And no, she's not spouting some New Age California mumbo jumbo about letting the body heal itself. An associate professor at the Salk Institute in the heart of San Diego's booming biotech beach, Ayres is harnessing all manner of high-tech tools from the fields of microbiomics, genetics, and immunology - and looking to a menagerie of animals - to sort out why some individuals tolerate infection so much better than others. It's work that's desperately needed, Ayres said, as it becomes ever more clear that our standard approach to fighting infection using antibiotics and antivirals is hopelessly inadequate. The drugs don't work for all diseases, they kill off good bacteria along with bad - and their wanton use is contributing to the rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria, or "superbugs," which terrify disease experts because there are few ways to stop them."
A Radical Approach against Superbugs: Learn to Live with Them
LA JOLLA , Calif. - As her father lay dying of sepsis, Janelle Ayres spent nine agonizing days at his bedside. When he didn't beat the virulent bloodstream infection, she grieved. And then she...

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