Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Notion That White Workers Elected Trump Is a Myth That Suits the Ruling Class: Paul Street

"Trump didn't win the working middle class vote. The Democrats lost it." Much more than what I copied here. "But the lack of a college diploma is a highly imperfect measure of working-class status. Bill Gates never got a bachelor’s degree. Neither did his proletarian comrade Mark Zuckerberg. Occupation and income are far better indicators. Exit polls include the second category but not the first. And nearly 60 percent of white people without college degrees who voted for Trump were in the top half of the income distribution. One in 5 white Trump voters without a college degree had a household income over $100,000. Another difficulty with the white Trumped-proletarian narrative is that most whites without an allegedly class-defining college degree don’t vote. Thanks in part to this silent election boycott, Trump got votes from approximately just a fifth of the 136 million white American adults who lack the higher ed diploma."
The Notion That White Workers Elected Trump Is a Myth That Suits the Ruling Class: Paul Street
Saying he was put into office by blue-collar voters serves the interests of top Democrats, Republicans, the dominant media and the big-business elite. - 2017/07/07

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