Monday, July 10, 2017

How American Presidents Used to Speak Overseas

No one will read this, it's excellent, it speaks to my primary criticism of President Trump. Why he dies not represents us well. Along with his juvenile rhetorical style, lack of factual correctness, he embodies in spirit none of the values that define us as Americans. Idealism. Inclusiveness and commonality in humanity, to be simple. "But the major departure in Trump’s speech was its seeming indifference to the American idea. At least when speaking to the world, American presidents have emphasized an expanded “us.” All men are created equal. Every man is a German. Ich bin ein Berliner. Our realities in America have always been flawed, but our idea is in principle limitless. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." #longreads
How American Presidents Used to Speak Overseas
The president’s speech in Warsaw was notable for its seeming indifference to the American idea.

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