Sunday, July 2, 2017

Simone Veil, Auschwitz survivor, abortion legalizer, and 1st European Parliament president, dies at 89

Rest in peace Simone Veil. An icon, fighter, and survivor. Quite a life story and worth noting. (Even Marie La Penne, whose far right party Veil criticised, offered respect.) "Born Simone Jacob in Nice on July 13, 1927, Veil’s father, mother, and brother were all killed in Nazi death camps after Germany occupied France. Veil was deported to Auschwitz in 1944, but she and her two sisters managed to survive the war. After the war, Veil went onto study law, became a judge, and married her husband, Antoine Veil, with whom she would have three children. Known for her unwavering moral compass, Veil would be named as the country’s health minister in the 1974. As health minister, she championed a bill to legalize abortion and famously endured a 25-hour debate in which lawmakers mocked and abused her while comparing abortion to the Holocaust."
Simone Veil, Auschwitz survivor, abortion legalizer, and 1st European Parliament president, dies at 89
Auschwitz survivor and feminist icon Simone Veil, 89, died on Friday in her home, according to her son Jean Veil. Veil, a former French health minister who championed legalization of abortion in her country and served as the first elected president of the European parliament, was hailed by French Pr...

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