Wednesday, July 5, 2017

'It has to be something, but it could be infinity': Trump ponders space in strange ceremony

Typical Trump: Idiocy and soul-crushing undermine a super cool event. Epic: he's revived the National Space Council with "an executive order to resurrect an advisory council that kick-started the first moon missions 60 years ago, went dormant in the 1990s, and could now lead astronauts into deep space — even Mars."! "The advisory group will also include Cabinet secretaries, the head of NASA and other administrators — almost none of whom were at the ceremony." The ceremony wasn't even on the White House calendar. “At some point in the future, we’re going to look back and say how did we do it without space?” is how the president put it." Which sounds stupid and baffled everyone, I think it's related to my next point about dark secrets. My take, not in the article: Trump blackened the spirit of space exploration by including an odd phrase in his semi-coherent, poorly ad-libbed, babbling speech: "space security". What is that? Along with his intolerable ramblings, it tells me there's an ulterior motive with this space program that involves military and profit - he's not good at keeping secrets - and he's just stupid. Add this to support my points: “Mike is very much into space.” ah NO, he's not, at all! "Vice President Pence, as mentioned, will chair the new council. Some who learned this remembered that when Pence was a congressman, he once chaired a Republican study group that recommended canceling NASA's space exploration program — no moon or Mars trips — to save money." Source:
'It has to be something, but it could be infinity': Trump ponders space in strange ceremony
President Trump 's ceremony Friday to bring back the National Space Council began to confuse people even before it took place...

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