Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Absolut Rainbow Flag Edition

Very cool design. I'll be glad when rainbows are simply natural wonders again. A time when fellow human beings among us in our families, homes, schools, neighborhoods, work, and country, feel embraced and part of our culture. No offense, I'm simply not interested that you're gay, bi, trans, les. I'm tired of having to pay attention to it: I'm fatigued with the continued bizarre struggle and violence these folks endure. I'm black. Sometimes I'm seen as a variation of a not-white person, always I can be looked at and hated. I get that. That's a struggle! Invading a personal space to hate? Wow. That applies to both sides. Too much perception and not enough listening. Too much anger. Leave all that judgment and wrath to God, if that's your trip. God excels at patience, compassion, love, and wrath. It's covered. If left alone, each person taken as an individual, just chatting one on one at a bus stop - sans social cues to help you guess, prejudge - you'd not notice any egregious, appalling, differences in people. Their politics or jokes will amuse or annoy you just like anyone else. What happens with and to sex organs behind closed doors is not my defining interest. Unless it's behind my closed door, that kinda matters then.
Absolut Rainbow Flag Edition
Creative Agency: Pond Design Client Director: Fredrik Svalstedt Senior Designer: Fredrik Bladh Senior Designer: Clas Celsing Productio...

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