Monday, July 24, 2017

Driving for more than two hours a day makes you less intelligent, study finds

OH NO. "Cognitive decline is measurable over five years because it can happen fast in middle-aged and older people. This is associated with lifestyle factors such as smoking and bad diet [ and sedentary lifestyle ] — and now with time spent driving,” Mr Bakrania told the paper. "The researchers analysed the lifestyles of more than 500,000 Britons aged between 37 and 73 over five years, during which they took intelligence and memory tests. The 93,000 people who drove more than two to three hours a day typically had lower brainpower at the start of the study, which kept on declining throughout, at a faster rate than those who did little or no driving. A similar result was also found for those watching TV for more than three hours a day, who also had lower average brainpower at the start of the study which fell faster over the next five years. However, Mr Bakrania's results suggested using a computer to work or play games increased brain function. " - article
Driving for more than two hours a day makes you less intelligent, study finds
Similar results found for those watching TV more than three hours a day

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