Sunday, July 30, 2017

AP News - Morocco's king pardons some protesters jailed in unrest

Hey Danny Morocco 🇲🇦 is a go! See you there! "TETOUAN, Morocco (AP) — Morocco's King Mohammed VI has pardoned some people jailed during a protest movement that has affected an impoverished northern region for months, slamming politicians and public officials for their "unprecedented irresponsibility."
AP News - Morocco's king pardons some protesters jailed in unrest
TETOUAN, Morocco (AP) — Morocco's King Mohammed VI has pardoned some people jailed during a

How will be your life in the future?

Could not resist. Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa! Awesome kid. That would be mine for sure! Aviators with an oxford, navy blazer, loafers, and shorts - impeccable, my baby. #godinworld
How will be your life in the future?
You, your husband, your child and your pet!

Which animal are you from the heart?

Last one...Hmmmm. Natural leader? Maybe. Fearful enemies? Hardly! If you're my enemy I don't give a s#!t about you. No time, interest, or any investment in your existence. Have I ever had an enemy? Probably. Honestly I wouldn't know, I wasn't paying attention. #godinworld
Which animal are you from the heart?
According to your personality!

What should be your true profession?

LAME. Is this a profession? Wait...Ideally, I'd get paid a lot for a few minutes of no work. Bingo! #godinworld
What should be your true profession?
According to your more secret talents

How would you look in 50 years?

What?! STELLAR!!!!! I don't recall her name, but the photo is of a high fashion model who worked decades ago and later became the first truly "older" model who still works well into grey haired years. Stunning as always. Of course, in reality, I'd be 104 years old in 50 years. #godinworld
How would you look in 50 years?
According to your facial features!

What is the meaning of your first name?

Not true. Toni isn't my first name, no other option. Nice thought tho! #godinworld
What is the meaning of your first name?
According to the dictionary!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Power of Positivity

Big thanks to my cool step-dad Dr. Ouedraogo Bernard, MD for sharing this with me! He's got the best credentials of anyone I know about such things. So this is legit!
Power of Positivity
Medication doesn't work for everyone. THESE foods will help!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Driving for more than two hours a day makes you less intelligent, study finds

OH NO. "Cognitive decline is measurable over five years because it can happen fast in middle-aged and older people. This is associated with lifestyle factors such as smoking and bad diet [ and sedentary lifestyle ] — and now with time spent driving,” Mr Bakrania told the paper. "The researchers analysed the lifestyles of more than 500,000 Britons aged between 37 and 73 over five years, during which they took intelligence and memory tests. The 93,000 people who drove more than two to three hours a day typically had lower brainpower at the start of the study, which kept on declining throughout, at a faster rate than those who did little or no driving. A similar result was also found for those watching TV for more than three hours a day, who also had lower average brainpower at the start of the study which fell faster over the next five years. However, Mr Bakrania's results suggested using a computer to work or play games increased brain function. " - article
Driving for more than two hours a day makes you less intelligent, study finds
Similar results found for those watching TV more than three hours a day

Saturday, July 22, 2017

16 Most Segregated Cities in America

Shout out to St. Louis MO/IL! You made the list.
16 Most Segregated Cities in America
Source: ThinkstockNext year will mark the 50-year anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, also known as the Fair Housing Act. The landmark bill prohibited by law long-standing practices of housing segregation based on race by landlords and local governments. Despite the law, housing discriminat...

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Notion That White Workers Elected Trump Is a Myth That Suits the Ruling Class: Paul Street

"Trump didn't win the working middle class vote. The Democrats lost it." Much more than what I copied here. "But the lack of a college diploma is a highly imperfect measure of working-class status. Bill Gates never got a bachelor’s degree. Neither did his proletarian comrade Mark Zuckerberg. Occupation and income are far better indicators. Exit polls include the second category but not the first. And nearly 60 percent of white people without college degrees who voted for Trump were in the top half of the income distribution. One in 5 white Trump voters without a college degree had a household income over $100,000. Another difficulty with the white Trumped-proletarian narrative is that most whites without an allegedly class-defining college degree don’t vote. Thanks in part to this silent election boycott, Trump got votes from approximately just a fifth of the 136 million white American adults who lack the higher ed diploma."
The Notion That White Workers Elected Trump Is a Myth That Suits the Ruling Class: Paul Street
Saying he was put into office by blue-collar voters serves the interests of top Democrats, Republicans, the dominant media and the big-business elite. - 2017/07/07

Ear Hustle: Prison podcast tells of life in San Quentin

I'm looking to listen to this podcast: "A little more than a year ago, Poor teamed up with Williams and Woods to start Ear Hustle with the hope of telling first-person narrative stories from inside prison for an outside audience. Challenging stereotypes "The goal is, first of all, to put a human face on people who are incarcerated and to get the outside world think about who is in prison in a more three-dimensional, complicated way," she tells Al Jazeera."
Ear Hustle: Prison podcast tells of life in San Quentin
Recorded in the historic San Quentin State Prison, the new Ear Hustle podcast paints a human image of life in lockup.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bolshoi Ballet: The Taming of the Shrew In Movie Theaters | Fathom Events

Odd, but compelling, concept. Based on the description, it sounds great!
Bolshoi Ballet: The Taming of the Shrew In Movie Theaters | Fathom Events
Baptista struggles to marry off his tempestuous daughter Katharina, a shrew who denies that any man could possibly be her match. However when she meets Petruchio, who is as ill-tempered as she, the two forces of nature ignite an unexpected and explosive encounter.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

What Wellesley's Reading - Free Podcast by Wellesley College on Apple Podcasts

Karen G Bates, after a few months of this I can don a little black dress, bonne chapeaux, hit the cocktail circuit, chat intelligently - maybe, and say, "Oh yes, I went to Wellesley." (um, for my sister's graduation.)
What Wellesley's Reading - Free Podcast by Wellesley College on Apple Podcasts
Download or subscribe to the free podcast What Wellesley's Reading by Wellesley College.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

An American Racial Slur Crosses the Atlantic

Why casually using 'nigger' may be a very bad idea. It doesn't change the meaning for those who use the word as a threat, etc. It makes it more accessible to everyone. I'd rather not hear it all over the world, except for US stand-up comics - in context it can be hilarious.
An American Racial Slur Crosses the Atlantic
And a British lawmaker, like others before her, says it publicly.

Monday, July 10, 2017

How American Presidents Used to Speak Overseas

No one will read this, it's excellent, it speaks to my primary criticism of President Trump. Why he dies not represents us well. Along with his juvenile rhetorical style, lack of factual correctness, he embodies in spirit none of the values that define us as Americans. Idealism. Inclusiveness and commonality in humanity, to be simple. "But the major departure in Trump’s speech was its seeming indifference to the American idea. At least when speaking to the world, American presidents have emphasized an expanded “us.” All men are created equal. Every man is a German. Ich bin ein Berliner. Our realities in America have always been flawed, but our idea is in principle limitless. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." #longreads
How American Presidents Used to Speak Overseas
The president’s speech in Warsaw was notable for its seeming indifference to the American idea.

Dolph Lundgren | On healing and forgiveness | TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica

For Henrik, a fellow Fulbright scholar. Cool!
Dolph Lundgren | On healing and forgiveness | TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica
The movie Rocky IV turned Dolph Lundgren aka Soviet boxer Ivan Drago into a Hollywood star. Exactly 30 years later the Fulbrighter Dolph Lundgren shares his ...

Sunday, July 9, 2017

23 arrested as Virginia KKK rally draws hundreds of counterprotesters

Times like these I love Dave Chappell for giving me a fantastic alternate association when I read or hear "White Power" - it's immediately hilarious. His character punctuates significant racist babbling by lazily flipping up his hand and saying, not shouting, monotone "white power" like amen - you have to see it, I can't explain. "Sir! I am not associated in any way with any niggerdom" Clarence Bigsby, the blind self-unaware black white-supremacist. Niggerdom?! What?! Ha ha ha! Perfect, so realistic, so purely idiotic and ignorant, uneducated, sounding. "Niggerdom". I died laughing the first, and each time, I hear that. Instantly loved Dave Chappell, he had a clear understanding and obvious experience.
23 arrested as Virginia KKK rally draws hundreds of counterprotesters
More than 1,000 counterprotesters showed up, far outnumbering Klan members.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Vice president gets insider look at Kennedy Space Center

The man who while in Congress tried to shut NASA down to save money. "Pence is heading up a newly revived National Space Council. President Donald Trump re-established the advisory group last week." Buzz Aldrin likely had a much better time at this event than at Trump's last week.
Vice president gets insider look at Kennedy Space Center
Vice President Mike Pence got an insider’s look at Kennedy Space Center on Thursday and promised more glory days ahead for “this gateway to the stars.”

Sheila Michaels Dies: Feminist Who Popularized Use of 'Ms.'

Peace in Eternity dear lady. The American feminist is revered for her campaign to popularise the “Ms” title throughout the 60s. While the term itself is believed to have been coined in the 1760s as an abbreviation for the word “mistress,” it was Michaels who brought it to mainstream as a symbol for women not defined by any relationship to men.
Sheila Michaels Dies: Feminist Who Popularized Use of 'Ms.'
Sheila Michaels has died at 78 but her legacy as the feminist who popularized the use of ‘Ms.' lives on.

Ivanka Trump Targeted by Man Armed with Throwing Knives

Stunning - celebrity posts from me! I HATE celebrity posts. Odd things have caught my eye this morning. The planet is imploding. Crazed persons and peoples rule the day: "When he was taken into custody, we're told he claimed to own Trump Tower and that he was a U.S. Senator there to see Ivanka."
Ivanka Trump Targeted by Man Armed with Throwing Knives
Ivanka Trump got a visitor at Trump Tower who showed up armed with throwing knives.

How Kesha Recovered from Her Jerry Seinfeld Hug Denial Trauma Thanks to Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan is a hugger! Or is at least a very specialized one who knows when hugs are most needed and how to execute them...then does it. That blows my mind. Maybe he's old and senile? Or it's the warm and charming side of him we never see thru icy publicity and press. I saw the video clip. I had never seen her before that video, I didn't know her name, fame, or occupation before this article, but as a fellow hugger I could see that she had made a huge (painful) faux pas - which she admits. Bob made it better...I love this! In all the decades of having Dylan in my life, Renee was a HUGE life long fan - I've listened to endless hours of Dylan daily, I've never had warm feelings about him until today: "She (Kesha) went on to describe how she got over the snafu: "My idol in life, Bob Dylan, agreed to meet up with me because we were playing the same festival. And I was like so scared, because I had just got hug denied. So I was a little hug traumatized... And he just opened his beautiful arms and gave me the most wonderful, healing Bob Dylan hug that I had ever dreamt of, and I just could care less about anything else." She added that he even gave her a hug after their conversation, too, making her twice-blessed by the folk legend."
How Kesha Recovered from Her Jerry Seinfeld Hug Denial Trauma Thanks to Bob Dylan

Blac Chyna's new lawyer to seek restraining order against Rob Kardashian

What is this person famous for? The name caught my eye and of course immediately annoyed me. So I read the article - Mr. Kardashian is a dangerously immature ass. Her name doesn't matter. I hope she can live a good life with her new child in loving peace.
Blac Chyna's new lawyer to seek restraining order against Rob Kardashian
She's lawyered up, is going to court Monday for restraining orders against her ex.

Friday, July 7, 2017

President Trump has no set agenda for the G20 summit and is expected to 'talk about whatever is on his mind'

I hate this. The laziest President of all time.
President Trump has no set agenda for the G20 summit and is expected to 'talk about whatever is on his mind'
"It’s like the meeting with Putin is the same thing as him waking up at six in the morning and tweeting."

Three men gored in opening run at Spain's Pamplona

One man was caught by a bull's horn in the scrotum. Nuf said. The photos are interesting. "The animals were from cattle breeder Cebada Gago in Andalucia, renowned for rearing dangerous bulls responsible for the most injuries in the history of the week-long San Fermin festival."
Three men gored in opening run at Spain's Pamplona
PAMPLONA, Spain (Reuters) - Three men were gored during the opening run of Pamplona's bull-running festival, the Red Cross said on Friday, with no other reported injuries during the 875-meter run through the northern Spa...

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Love Style

It's a marvel of mental survival to be among the ones that remain in this mortal plane to endure the pain. We cling to the terrifying portal that they passed thru - drawing out what was in reality only a moment into an experience that never ends. It becomes a part of our existence, a fiber in our souls, that we must find a comfortable place for to save our sanity. A cultural immaturity, weakness, that we cannot celebrate each process of life. A life lived, complete. Instead of redefining a relationship, relegating it to sadness. Something I prefer not to associate with a loved one.
Love Style
Re-post this.


Brilliant!! Great find Mom, Barbara Bernard. Kinetic energy. Life changing potential is huge. 1 in 7 people in the world do NOT have electricity.
The amazing Gravitylight offers a ray of hope to millions without electricity

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Meet Japan's Batman - Chibatman a real life Dark Knight- BBC News

Japanese Dark Knight deep voice and all? Priceless. Random Japanese kid, "I like how he rides around dressed as Batman and he's not embarrassed." Primo! Superhero? Yes. On a serious note, he started this right after the big earthquake and nuclear plant disaster in Japan to get people to smile. He drives waaaaaay too slow.
Meet Japan's Batman - Chibatman a real life Dark Knight- BBC News
Subscribe to BBC News Meets Chibatman - a Japanese man who dresses as Batman to make Japanese people smile and who has become an inte...

Dog Steals Kids' 4th Of July Fireworks

July 4 Weiner dog style. Fearless, impulsive, and insane. I LOVE them.
Dog Steals Kids' 4th Of July Fireworks
Now that's how you celebrate Independence Day! SUBSCRIBE for tomorrow's video: Chat with us on the webs: Facebook:

‘It has to be something, but it could be infinity’: Trump ponders space in strange ceremony

Repost. Typical Trump: Idiocy and soul-crushing undermine a super cool event. Epic: he's revived the National Space Council with "an executive order to resurrect an advisory council that kick-started the first moon missions 60 years ago, went dormant in the 1990s, and could now lead astronauts into deep space — even Mars."! "The advisory group will also include Cabinet secretaries, the head of NASA and other administrators — almost none of whom were at the ceremony." The ceremony wasn't even on the White House calendar. “At some point in the future, we’re going to look back and say how did we do it without space?” is how the president put it." Which sounds stupid and baffled everyone, I think it's related to my next point about dark secrets. My take, not in the article: Trump blackened the spirit of space exploration by including an odd phrase in his semi-coherent, poorly ad-libbed, babbling speech: "space security". What is that? Along with his intolerable ramblings, it tells me there's an ulterior motive with this space program that involves military and profit - he's not good at keeping secrets - and he's just stupid. Add this to support my points: “Mike is very much into space.” ah NO, he's not, at all! "Vice President Pence, as mentioned, will chair the new council. Some who learned this remembered that when Pence was a congressman, he once chaired a Republican study group that recommended canceling NASA's space exploration program — no moon or Mars trips — to save money."
‘It has to be something, but it could be infinity’: Trump ponders space in strange ceremony
Before reviving the National Space Council, Trump made baffling remarks about the cosmos and failed to mention the only female astronaut in attendance.

Daily Mail

This is part of what didn't show up on an earlier post. I must admit, Buzz looked figity and weird the entire time. I think he knows how to act at the White House, he's been there multiple times over decades. This trip was different. Gads. In front of Buzz Aldrin, semi-coherent babbling, a cover story for "space security" whatever that is and profit. Neither of which is in the spirit of NASA.
Daily Mail
Buzz Aldrin's face when Donald J. Trump talks about space is absolutely hilarious 😂 🚀

Absolut Rainbow Flag Edition

Very cool design. I'll be glad when rainbows are simply natural wonders again. A time when fellow human beings among us in our families, homes, schools, neighborhoods, work, and country, feel embraced and part of our culture. No offense, I'm simply not interested that you're gay, bi, trans, les. I'm tired of having to pay attention to it: I'm fatigued with the continued bizarre struggle and violence these folks endure. I'm black. Sometimes I'm seen as a variation of a not-white person, always I can be looked at and hated. I get that. That's a struggle! Invading a personal space to hate? Wow. That applies to both sides. Too much perception and not enough listening. Too much anger. Leave all that judgment and wrath to God, if that's your trip. God excels at patience, compassion, love, and wrath. It's covered. If left alone, each person taken as an individual, just chatting one on one at a bus stop - sans social cues to help you guess, prejudge - you'd not notice any egregious, appalling, differences in people. Their politics or jokes will amuse or annoy you just like anyone else. What happens with and to sex organs behind closed doors is not my defining interest. Unless it's behind my closed door, that kinda matters then.
Absolut Rainbow Flag Edition
Creative Agency: Pond Design Client Director: Fredrik Svalstedt Senior Designer: Fredrik Bladh Senior Designer: Clas Celsing Productio...

The Surprising Secret Behind The Longevity Of Roman Concrete Compared With Our Concrete Buildings Today

"Scientists have been amazed to discover that not only does their (ancient Roman) concrete hold up over time, but it actually becomes much stronger as time passes." "The Romans created a rock-like concrete that thrives in open chemical exchange with seawater." Using lime, volcanic ash, and sea water. Recent results from x-ray micro-blah-blah-spectral-blah mineral analysis left researchers "surprised by the presence of aluminous tobermorite in the Roman cement, of which there is a lot of. This is a silica-based mineral which is reportedly both quite rare and also hard to create in a lab. This explains why Roman concrete continues to thrive even in sea water since aluminous tobermorite as well as the mineral phillipsite start to grow in the concrete as a direct result of being battered by sea water." BTW - There is an urgent effort to duplicate the ancient Roman concrete formula to combat rising sea levels. Not sure what they're looking to construct. Sea walls? Good luck with that. Reinforce critical infrastructure? Don't know as of writing this.
The Surprising Secret Behind The Longevity Of Roman Concrete Compared With Our Concrete Buildings Today
What is the secret behind those ancient Roman concrete buildings which are over 2,000 years old and still hold up today, unlike our own modern buildings? Did the Romans create concrete...

James Cagney - A Yankee Doodle Dandy

Stellar!! A great career condensed into a few short minutes. Incredible tap dancing. Some epic scenes: "Look ma! ... top of the world!" and blows up in a fire ball high atop a refinery tank after evading police apprehension. A solid 1930s lefty who went towards conservative with age. Mafia had a hit out on him back then because he actively fought to keep them out Holloywood when he was president of the Screen Actors Guild. There was a plan to drop a massive stage light on him but George Raft thwarted the effort and intervened to prevent future attempts.
James Cagney - A Yankee Doodle Dandy
Tribute to James Cagney According to James Cagney's autobiography a Mafia plan to murder Cagney by dropping a several hundred pound klieg light on top of him...

Yankee Doodle Dandy Official Trailer #1 - James Cagney Movie (1942) HD

Thinking of my sister Renée. We watched this every July 4. Great film! You do not know James Cagney unless you've seen this.
Yankee Doodle Dandy Official Trailer #1 - James Cagney Movie (1942) HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: Subscribe to COMING SOON: Subscribe to CLASSIC TRAILERS: Like us on FA...

'It has to be something, but it could be infinity': Trump ponders space in strange ceremony

Typical Trump: Idiocy and soul-crushing undermine a super cool event. Epic: he's revived the National Space Council with "an executive order to resurrect an advisory council that kick-started the first moon missions 60 years ago, went dormant in the 1990s, and could now lead astronauts into deep space — even Mars."! "The advisory group will also include Cabinet secretaries, the head of NASA and other administrators — almost none of whom were at the ceremony." The ceremony wasn't even on the White House calendar. “At some point in the future, we’re going to look back and say how did we do it without space?” is how the president put it." Which sounds stupid and baffled everyone, I think it's related to my next point about dark secrets. My take, not in the article: Trump blackened the spirit of space exploration by including an odd phrase in his semi-coherent, poorly ad-libbed, babbling speech: "space security". What is that? Along with his intolerable ramblings, it tells me there's an ulterior motive with this space program that involves military and profit - he's not good at keeping secrets - and he's just stupid. Add this to support my points: “Mike is very much into space.” ah NO, he's not, at all! "Vice President Pence, as mentioned, will chair the new council. Some who learned this remembered that when Pence was a congressman, he once chaired a Republican study group that recommended canceling NASA's space exploration program — no moon or Mars trips — to save money." Source:
'It has to be something, but it could be infinity': Trump ponders space in strange ceremony
President Trump 's ceremony Friday to bring back the National Space Council began to confuse people even before it took place...

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

I'm trying to be awesome today, but I'm exhausted from being so freakin' awesome yesterday - Coffee Mug By Heaven Creations 11 oz -Funny Inspirational and sarcasm

I'm trying to be awesome today, but I'm exhausted from being so freakin' awesome yesterday - Coffee Mug By Heaven Creations 11 oz -Funny Inspirational and sarcasm
The perfect size to enjoy your morning beverage and the perfect gift for your loved ones on birthday or special day.

Funny Quotable "If I Am Drinking Out Of This Mug - I Will Cut You", Coffee Mug - 11 Oz Mug - Nice Motivational And Inspirational Office Gift

Funny Quotable "If I Am Drinking Out Of This Mug - I Will Cut You", Coffee Mug - 11 Oz Mug - Nice Motivational And Inspirational Office Gift
The perfect size for your favorite morning beverage or late night brew. Large, easy-grip handle. Treat yourself or give as a gift to someone special.

Funny Mug - I'm Not Always A Bitch, Just Kidding - 11 OZ Coffee Mugs - Funny Inspirational and sarcasm - By A Mug To Keep TM

This is indeed inspirational.
Funny Mug - I'm Not Always A Bitch, Just Kidding - 11 OZ Coffee Mugs - Funny Inspirational and sarcasm - By A Mug To Keep TM
The perfect size to enjoy your morning beverage and the perfect gift for your loved ones that special day.

Funny Mug 11OZ I do not spew profanities, I enunciate them like a lady, novelty and gift, frienship, friends, by Yates And Franco by della Pace

Ah, yeah. Like this.
Funny Mug 11OZ I do not spew profanities, I enunciate them like a lady, novelty and gift, frienship, friends, by Yates And Franco by della Pace
della Pace Direct owns della Pace brand and all the quotes and ideas on every mug. Give a nice gift to your best friend, boss, dad or boyfriend. Any one at the office will appreciate this mug since is a very original idea to show your appreciation. Besides a shirt or tshirts this mug represents o...

Sunday, July 2, 2017

11-year-old Texas boy invented a device to prevent hot car deaths

Wow!!! Incredible. Profoundly impacted by the death of a baby left in a car in his area, he immediately came up with a plan, sketched it out, and showed a very proud dad: "Young Bishop originally designed a fan that would automatically turn on when it detects the inside of a car has reached a certain temperature. The device would be placed on a headrest -- in the front or rear, depending on the age of the child and where their carseat is facing. "The device detects if vehicle comes to stop, using GPS technology," Curry explained. "It then detects if a child is in that car seat, and if the car is heating up. If all of those things are taking place it blows cold air on the child through an internal cooling system." But the sixth-grader didn't stop there. He also wanted to find a way to get the child rescued from the dangerous situation. So, he added Wi-Fi as well as GPS technology. If the fan is activated, a built-in antenna will then use the Wi-Fi to contact the child's parents. If they don't respond, it will alert local authorities. "It will provide the location of the child with the GPS," Curry added. With help from a GoFundMe campaign that has raised nearly $40,000 since it launched back in January, Bishop was able to get a provisional patent and build a 3-D model of the device. His dad, an engineer at Toyota, even pitched the idea to his company. The auto manufacturer was so impressed, they sent the boy and his dad to the Center for Child Injury Prevention Conference, where Bishop presented his idea to car seat manufacturers."
11-year-old Texas boy invented a device to prevent hot car deaths
He may be only 11 years old, but Bishop Curry is already working on a solution to a major problem plaguing the country: the tragic deaths of young children in hot cars. A year ago, the McKinney, Texas, boy saw a local ne...

Simone Veil, Auschwitz survivor, abortion legalizer, and 1st European Parliament president, dies at 89

Rest in peace Simone Veil. An icon, fighter, and survivor. Quite a life story and worth noting. (Even Marie La Penne, whose far right party Veil criticised, offered respect.) "Born Simone Jacob in Nice on July 13, 1927, Veil’s father, mother, and brother were all killed in Nazi death camps after Germany occupied France. Veil was deported to Auschwitz in 1944, but she and her two sisters managed to survive the war. After the war, Veil went onto study law, became a judge, and married her husband, Antoine Veil, with whom she would have three children. Known for her unwavering moral compass, Veil would be named as the country’s health minister in the 1974. As health minister, she championed a bill to legalize abortion and famously endured a 25-hour debate in which lawmakers mocked and abused her while comparing abortion to the Holocaust."
Simone Veil, Auschwitz survivor, abortion legalizer, and 1st European Parliament president, dies at 89
Auschwitz survivor and feminist icon Simone Veil, 89, died on Friday in her home, according to her son Jean Veil. Veil, a former French health minister who championed legalization of abortion in her country and served as the first elected president of the European parliament, was hailed by French Pr...

The Latest: Feds send 20 more ATF agents to Chicago

On the other hand, it smacks of Marshall Law. But hopefully it helps. "Chicago police, federal agents and prosecutors plan to announce Friday, June 30 they are launching a new initiative to stem the flow of illegal firearms in the city as part of efforts to curb rampant gun violence"
The Latest: Feds send 20 more ATF agents to Chicago
FILE - In this March 30, 2017, file photo, Georgia Jackson, 72, is overcome with emotion after learning that her two grandsons were found fatally shot in Chicago's South Shore neighborhood. Chicago police, federal agents...

Trump says he is sending federal help to fight Chicago crime

Feds are coming to help Chicago. The reforms in the police department will be key too. "The federal assistance will come in the form of the Chicago Crime Gun Strike Force, a collaboration between the police and the Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The group, including police officers, federal agents and intelligence analysts, will work to impede the flow of illegal guns throughout Chicago and target repeat gun offenders." Along with mobile ballistic units and other tech.
Trump says he is sending federal help to fight Chicago crime
Trump says he is sending federal help to fight Chicago crime

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Raiders of the Lost Ark - Wikipedia

Wow, it's been eons since I've this! Cool. Eric's idea. Only bothersome in that he is supposed to be an archaeologist but he does the total opposite of archeology. He's a theif, a grave robber, who eliminates any value of a find by taking it out of context and destroying the site. But it's Harrison Ford! He can do whatever he wants. Dreamy!
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Wikipedia
Raiders of the Lost Ark (also known as Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark) is a 1981 American action adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg, with a screenplay written by Lawrence Kasdan, from a story by George Lucas and Philip Kaufman. It was produced by Frank Marshall for Lucasfilm…

Olivia de Havilland sues FX over gossipy 'Feud' portrayal (USA TODAY)

She's 101 years old!!! That can't be right. Go Livi!
Olivia de Havilland sues FX over gossipy 'Feud' portrayal (USA TODAY)
The Academy Award-winner takes issue with being portrayed as a hypocritical town gossip.