Friday, April 28, 2017

When did the Vikings start raiding England? -

(For Renèe and me) History rewrite! Timeline shift. Vikings were thoroughly rampaging around southern England before the infamous Lindisfarne 'incident'. Hmmm, could it be...VIKINGS?! "A very great danger threatens this island and the people dwelling in it. Behold a thing never before heard of, a pagan people is becoming accustomed to laying waste our shores with piratical robbery." (I just dig stuff that starts with "behold".) Yep. If it's 8th c. England, that'd be Vikings. BEHOLD! And "RUN AWAY!"
When did the Vikings start raiding England? -
A fresh examination of written records from Anglo-Saxon England suggests that the Vikings were raiding the country even before their infamous attack on Lindisfarne in the year 793. In...

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