Friday, April 7, 2017

Rickles: The man was sweet, but oh that on-stage bite

Why I Love Don Rickles: "...because he practiced an equal-opportunity brand of humor that targeted people by race, religion, appearance and anything else he could find to mock." Classic Rickles!!! "Speaking at a roast, with Dean Martin seated on one side and Sammy Davis Jr. on the other, Rickles told them: 'You're Catholic, I'm a Jew, and Sammy, you're black. I'm sorry.' "Davis laughed." [I laugh every time I watch it. Hilarious!] "That meant we all had license to laugh, too. When Rickles would sense backlash from the audience, though, he had a ready reply: 'Don't write letters, folks. We cover them all.'' [Right On Don!!!]
Rickles: The man was sweet, but oh that on-stage bite
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Don Rickles kept the nice inside, his friends say. Lucky us. Offstage, the self-described "shy and frightened kid" was invariably kind and caring,

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