Friday, April 7, 2017

Analysis: Trump evolved on Syria after chemical attack

Pres. Trump is such a two-faced, forked tongue, consummate liar. Or he is an idiot that doesn't pay attention to his own words - he doesn't know what he's saying. Or all. He vehemently criticises Pres. Obama for not attacking Syria in 2013. In 2013 Trump tweeted repeatedly urging Obama NOT to attack Syria. "Trump's decision was all the more remarkable for his strident public opposition to launching a strike on Syria when the decision weighed on his predecessor. In September 2013, Trump repeatedly took to Twitter to urge Obama to not to attack Syria after another chemical weapons attack. "AGAIN, TO OUR VERY FOOLISH LEADER, DO NOT ATTACK SYRIA - IF YOU DO MANY VERY BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN & FROM THAT FIGHT THE U.S. GETS NOTHING!," he wrote. He followed two days later with another tweet declaring, "There is no upside and tremendous downside" to an attack. Obama nearly ordered strikes, but ultimately pulled back. He called for a vote in Congress that never came, then rallied behind a Russian-backed plan to remove Syria's chemical weapons stockpiles — an agreement that appeared to have failed, given this most recent attack. Though Trump castigated Obama for appearing weak and indecisive, he maintained as a candidate that Syria was a morass the U.S. should avoid. As recently as a week ago, Trump's top diplomats, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, both indicated the U.S. might take a hands-off approach to a civil war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people and forced millions more from their homes."
Analysis: Trump evolved on Syria after chemical attack
PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump's sudden decision to order airstrikes against the Syrian government was an overnight evolution for a president who long warned again

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