Thursday, October 29, 2015

Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago

Exxon was aware of climate change in 1977

Like the tobacco industry Exxon has choreographed deception, traded lives – if not an entire planet – for profit. Exxon has long been aware of the catastrophic consequences of their industry but funded and perpetrated what can be labeled as scientific propaganda to contradict their own research. Unlike tobacco, the scale of the impact reaches far beyond the self-destructive, personal choices, of an individual. We now face the potential global victimization of 100s of millions of innocent people to the ravages of economic and hypernatural disasters.

“Exxon was aware of climate change, as early as 1977, 11 years before it became a public issue, according to a recent investigation from InsideClimate News. This knowledge did not prevent the company (now ExxonMobil and the world’s largest oil and gas company) from spending decades refusing to publicly acknowledge climate change and even promoting climate misinformation—…”

In their eight-month-long investigation, reporters at InsideClimate News interviewed former Exxon employees, scientists and federal officials and analyzed hundreds of pages of internal documents. They found that the company’s knowledge of climate change dates back to July 1977, when its senior scientist James Black delivered a sobering message on the topic. “In the first place, there is general scientific agreement that the most likely manner in which mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide release from the burning of fossil fuels,” Black told Exxon’s management committee. A year later he warned Exxon that doubling CO2 gases in the atmosphere would increase average global temperatures by two or three degrees—a number that is consistent with the scientific consensus today. He continued to warn that “present thinking holds that man has a time window of five to 10 years before the need for hard decisions regarding changes in energy strategies might become critical.” In other words, Exxon needed to act.

Read the full article at the Source 

Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago
A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation

What America’s immigrants looked like when they arrived on Ellis Island

What makes America great? Immigrants. A great sample of wide variety of striking portraits. Very interesting. I found the Dutch disturbing.
What America’s immigrants looked like when they arrived on Ellis Island
America's diversity captured in photos of immigrants arriving at Ellis Island

Friday, October 23, 2015

Are scientists about to discover a parallel universe? Large Hadron Collider to be powered up for...

I've always wondered, does parallel universe Toni have a mustache?
Are scientists about to discover a parallel universe? Large Hadron Collider to be powered up for...
This means it could detect miniature black holes - a sign of a 'multiverse' Experiment, said to being next week, could shed new light on the universe It has found the 'God particle',...

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Y'all, Norwegians Use The Word "Texas" As Slang To Mean "Crazy" - Texas Monthly

It's true!!! Ha ha ha! "The expression itself has to do with associations. It’s something that brings to mind chaotic, crazy conditions, like the “wild west,” and at least back when the expression was coined, the “wild west” held very strong Texas associations. Hell, even when I was a kid in the 80s, I thought that all American cowboys came from Texas, and that’s just how it was. Texas = land of the cowboys. And rodeos. And the wild west. A Western movie? Probably from Texas."
Y'all, Norwegians Use The Word "Texas" As Slang To Mean "Crazy" - Texas Monthly
In Norwegian, Texas is used as slang term.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Execution drug shortage makes some think of firing squads

Rope, guns and electricity... I knew **Texas had to be here somewhere, I found it and it's very cryptic. (We've not had botched executions or reports of issues with supply. No issues at all actually.) " punishment supporters say older methods such as hanging, electrocution and the firing squad are still viable options. "We've got plenty of electric and plenty of rope," said state Sen. Bill Seitz, a Cincinnati Republican. On Oct. 1, Virginia executed serial killer Alfredo Prieto but only after obtaining pentobarbital from the Texas prison system. **Texas has continued to purchase supplies of compounded pentobarbital without saying how much it has or where it came from. Other death penalty states also are looking at alternatives to lethal injection. Tennessee passed a law last year to reinstate the electric chair if it can't get lethal drugs, and Utah has reinstated the firing squad as a backup method." Execution drug shortage spurs firing squad talk -
Execution drug shortage makes some think of firing squads
Ohio's decision to delay executions another full year while it hunts for lethal injection drugs highlights an ongoing dilemma faced by the remaining death penalty states.

We Break It, You Own It: Russia’s Logic in Syria

Need to read.
We Break It, You Own It: Russia’s Logic in Syria
Phase one of the Russian campaign aims at depriving the West of interlocutors that could partake in a negotiated...

Yahoo + Make Your Search Count

Donate someone else's cash (Yahoo) for a cause by just doing searches on mobile in October. On mobile go to "" start searching! You can skip the phone number thing, look below it. I never use Yahoo anything. But I'll give this a go. Can't get any easier than simply using a search engine that generates a donation.
Yahoo + Make Your Search Count
Make your search count! Yahoo is donating ten cents to for every Yahoo search done on a mobile browser this October, up to $1 Million.

Donate gently used SAT books!

Any S.A.T. prep books around the house? Perhaps in a used bookstore in your area? We can easily boost the opportunity and confidence of a lower income/resourced student.
Donate gently used SAT books!
Volunteer and take action.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Newly Released Clinton Email Proves Bush & Blair Plotted Iraq War A Year Before Launching It

Uh oh. Hmmmm
Newly Released Clinton Email Proves Bush & Blair Plotted Iraq War A Year Before Launching It
The Republicans' fake email "scandal" just blew up in their faces.

Prins Henrik som blind flagermus

I love this guy. I know that I am destined to be a Danish citizen. Yes, that's Prince Henrik, Royal, no, the one in the sunglasses with the head gear.
Prins Henrik som blind flagermus
Da Prins Henrik besøgte Randers Regnskov fik han lov at prøve en hjelm, der simulerer flagermusens evne til at navigere. For at gøre oplevelsen realistisk ba...

Harriet Tubman Wins Vote To Replace Andrew Jackson On $20 Bill

Indeed. A fine choice. I was a bit indifferent until I saw this. She's now an elevated American icon in very heady company. At least she has the same grim, kinda scary, visage that they all have. Children, foreign visitors, immigrants, and the rest of us will look at her and occasionally reflect. Now they'll all be forced to learn a little about her. And the 'S' word. Can't rewrite Ms. Tubman's revisionist could. Priceless.
Harriet Tubman Wins Vote To Replace Andrew Jackson On $20 Bill
A group that has been campaigning to replace Andrew Jackson's face on the $20 bill with a woman has chosen 19th-century abolitionist, Harriet Tubman.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The U.S. Trade Agenda and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Go Obama!!! I'm so glad that I listened to this before hearing the trade agreement be shredded by Fox News, et al. (I'll listen to Fareed Z. GPS next). When someone from Rand calls in with a question, you know the caliber of the guest and the quality of the info they provide are at the highest levels. It's surprisingly interesting. You should listen to the first ~15 minutes. One HUGE example from the agreement: Manufactured Goods Tariffs Eliminated !!! Currently the U.S. faces 25-50% tariffs on anything manufactured that goes to various major Asian countries (Japan, etc.). Making high dollar things like cars, engines, tractors, extremely expensive in Asia. We sell much less. We're less competitive in that massive market. The implications for potential increases in industrial production and jobs are clear (to me). High paying, union, jobs with dignity. Finally a real potential for major economic growth from a once robust industry. Just in that one example alone. The example from the agreement is fact. I made the rest up. So don't repeat it as info until you check it out or hear from a credible source.
The U.S. Trade Agenda and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Oct 15, 2015 - U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman discusses the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The U.S. Trade Agenda and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Go Obama!!! I'm so glad that I listened to this before hearing the trade agreement be shredded by Fox News, et al. (I'll listen to Fareed Z. GPS next). When someone from Rand calls in with a question, you know the caliber of the guest and the quality of the info they provide are at the highest levels. It's surprisingly interesting. You should listen to the first ~15 minutes. One HUGE example from the agreement: Manufactured Goods Tariffs Eliminated !!! Currently the U.S. faces 25-50% tariffs for anything manufactured that goes to various major Asian countries (Japan, etc.). Making high dollar things like cars, engines, tractors, extremely expensive in Asia. We sell much less. We're less competitive in that massive market. The implications for potential increases in industrial production and jobs are clear (to me). High paying, union, jobs with dignity. Finally a real potential for major economic growth from a once robust industry. Just in that one example alone. The example from the agreement is fact. I made the rest up. So don't repeat it as info until you check it out or hear from a credible source.
The U.S. Trade Agenda and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Oct 15, 2015 - U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman discusses the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Add Posts by Email in WordPress

Bookmark try it
How to Add Posts by Email in WordPress
Want to add posts by email in WordPress? WordPress allows you to create posts via email. Learn how to set up posts by email feature in a WordPress blog.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ready to debate: A guide to the Democratic 2016 candidates

Quick, uncomplicated, rundown of each Democratic candidate. There are more than 2 candidates...
Ready to debate: A guide to the Democratic 2016 candidates
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Republican presidential contest has been aflutter for months, but now it's time for the Democrats to spread their wings before a big national audience. Their first...

Monday, October 12, 2015

Black Bush | Chappelle's Show

This killed me too. Really all Chappelle has to do mimic the urban thing - voice and actions, with especially with a back ground person to add emphasis - it is hilarious. Here it's great. Head of the CIA and his yes man - priceless.
Black Bush | Chappelle's Show
Black Bush | Chappelle's Show Did Black Bush make our top ten Dave Chappelle character list? ►Check out the list here: ◀︎ Subscr...

Rare Film Is Glimpse Of A Distant America

I've never seen this. A silent film of featuring a positive portrait of real AmerIndians - their own clothing, etc.
Rare Film Is Glimpse Of A Distant America
Like a time slingshot, the 1920 silent movie The Daughter of Dawn transports us back to another era — and another.

Dave Chappelle The Black White Supremacist Full Video

Gotta post this again, because I dig it totally - and my comments about it. For me, it wasn't that the character was black. It's that it's all learned bullshit. No one who claimed racial superiority knew the difference - so their core belief was invalidated. And it's a world so aweful that they didn't want to expose a child of a lifetime of it. That is not the funny part. But the interesting statement. I'm sorry but that skit floored me. I laughed as soon as the narrator started - the real, serious stuff voice over guy. Loved that. Mainly because Chappelle nailed the accent, the phrases and people. And for "Sir!! Do not accuse me of any niggerdom!" That was brilliantly ignorant. I will laugh every time. Lame white boys called the N-word and loving it. "You Ns need to take your jungle music and get out of here - woogity boogity !!" Like woogity boogity is some big insult - like everything he says it's hilariously ignorant sounding.
Dave Chappelle The Black White Supremacist Full Video

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Scientists prove you CAN eat your way to a sharper mind with six key foods

My favorite foods. So, I'm not impressed... I'm not consistent with my consumption though. Gotta get rid of starches, pasta, bread, etc.
Scientists prove you CAN eat your way to a sharper mind with six key foods
Foods can also slash the risk of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia The link between diet and heart health is well known. But a growing body of scientific evidence suggests what we eat...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Amazon Prime Now

Oooo! My groceries will be here soon. Excellent!!
Amazon Prime Now


Wow. What a find! wow

Thursday, October 8, 2015

It is painful to see prison systems that do not care for wounds, soothe pain or offer new...

H2PF (His [totally righteous and epic] Holiness Pope Francis) to Philadelphia inmates: "We all know that life is a journey, along different roads, different paths, which leave their mark on us”, said the Pope. “We also know in faith that Jesus seeks us out. He wants to heal our wounds, to soothe our feet which hurt from travelling alone, to wash each of us clean of the dust from our journey. He doesn’t ask us where we have been, He doesn’t question us what about we have done. Rather, He tells us: 'Unless I wash your feet, you have no share with me'. Unless I wash your feet, I will not be able to give you the life which the Father always dreamed of, the life for which he created you. Jesus comes to meet us, so that He can restore our dignity as children of God. He wants to help us to set out again, to resume our journey, to recover our hope, to restore our faith and trust. He wants us to keep walking along the paths of life, to realise that we have a mission, and that confinement is never the same thing as exclusion”.
It is painful to see prison systems that do not care for wounds, soothe pain or offer new...
Vatican City, 28 September 2015 (VIS) – After addressing the visiting bishops, the Pope transferred by helicopter to the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility, Philadelphia's largest male prison, which holds 2,800 inmates. Francis met with one hundred of them, along with the directors of the Centre,…

It is painful to see prison systems that do not care for wounds, soothe pain or offer new possibilities: the Pope to inmates at Curran-Fromhold penitentiary

To inmates: “It is a difficult time, one full of struggles. I know it is a painful time not only for you, but also for your families and for all of society. Any society, any family, which cannot share or take seriously the pain of its children, and views that pain as something normal or to be expected, is a society 'condemned' to remain a hostage to itself, prey to the very things which cause that pain." "I am here as a pastor, but above all as a brother, to share your situation and to make it my own. I have come so that we can pray together..."
It is painful to see prison systems that do not care for wounds, soothe pain or offer new possibilities: the Pope to inmates at Curran-Fromhold penitentiary
It is painful to see prison systems that do not care for wounds, soothe pain or offer new possibilities: the Pope to inmates at Curran-Fromhold penitentiary

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Flight to Star Cluster Westerlund 2

In honor of the telescope's anniversary on April 24, NASA released a virtual 3-D ride through space. The visualization takes you to a breeding ground for stars 20,000 light-years away from Earth. The little red dots in the video are new stars wrapped in gas-and-dust cocoons, NASA explained. Specifically, the flight goes through a cluster of stars called the Westerlund 2 that was discovered in the 1960s. It is located in the Gum 29 nebula in the Carina constellation, NASA said in a press release. The cluster is about 6 and 13 light-years across and is about 2 million years old. In space terms, those are baby stars, NASA said. NASA clarified that the video is a scientific representation meant to show what the cluster looks like in 3-D. "Note that the visualization is intended to be a scientifically reasonable interpretation and that distances within the model are significantly compressed," the video description reads.
Flight to Star Cluster Westerlund 2
This visualization provides a three-dimensional perspective on Hubble's 25th anniversary image of the nebula Gum 29 with the star cluster Westerlund 2 at its...

Bernie Sanders Reveals Plan to Abolish Private Prisons in America

Absolutely. I haven't read this yet. I posted based on the headline.
Bernie Sanders Reveals Plan to Abolish Private Prisons in America
Time for the Drug War profiteers to get nervous.

Carly Fiorina Interview w/Chris Dickerson; Face The Nation; 9--6-2015

I like Carly Fiorina. I like to listen to her speak. She is extremely intelligent, even tempered, well-versed in international policy, the players, leaders, events, as well as domestic issues. She offers detailed proposals and positions. I'm starting a video collection. This is simply a recent appearance on Meet the Press.
Carly Fiorina Interview w/Chris Dickerson; Face The Nation; 9--6-2015
Please subscribe! Carly Fiorina speaks with CBS's Chris Dickerson for Face the Nation.

Will Joe Biden run for president? Here’s what he’s said, so you can judge for yourself.

The first brief video are his positions on "big" current issues. Go Joe! I'm all there with him. The last video is a very weary Joe, in a synagogue donning a Yarmulke. He's so frail. Wow. I'm crushed. I have wondered whether the campaign itself is the sole issue? Or is he talking about the presidency as well? No, it's the campaign. The campaign is more daunting than the presidency?! Quite a statement on our political process and climate. I'm getting very frustrated this morning. And bummed.
Will Joe Biden run for president? Here’s what he’s said, so you can judge for yourself.
Because so many people are speaking for him these days

First Responders: Our Ingratitude

These people still must beg at the feet of Congress?! Go stand over there with the veterans please. Do we just not give a shit once someone has sacrificed everything they can?! That being their lives or quality of remaining life? Stick a fork in me, turn me over, I'm Done.
First Responders: Our Ingratitude
It is painful to me, and frankly a national disgrace, that we so mistreat those 9/11 first responders. Hundreds of them rushed into the fray. They followed their human instinct that was stronger in them than in most others to save lives, and it cost many their own lives.

I side 73% with Bernie Sanders

Serious quiz. Not a cute quiz.
I side 73% with Bernie Sanders
I just took the 2016 Presidential election quiz and found that I side the most with Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. Who do you side with?

GOP contender Ben Carson says he would have attacked Oregon shooter

Okay, I'm convinced - This man is insane: From Dr. Ben Caron's book "In his new book, "A More Perfect Union," the retired neurosurgeon also insists that Americans must have access to assault rifles and "armor-penetrating ammunition" to defend themselves from "an overly aggressive government."
GOP contender Ben Carson says he would have attacked Oregon shooter
Republican presidential contender Ben Carson says he would have sacrificed his life to help stop last week's deadly rampage in Oregon. But he's joined the rest of the GOP's 2016 class in refusing to support new measures to stop mass shootings. In his new book, "A More Perfect Union," the retired...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

World's oldest woman, 116, eats bacon daily

I'll buy into this.
World's oldest woman, 116, eats bacon daily
Not many people will say that eating bacon every day is the key to a long life, but the world’s oldest woman swears by it. 


Not my usual post. Watch and wait for it. Pretty freaking cool! Just not near my house please. Well maybe not at first. Someone has a lot of time, money, and computer skills here.
Who wants to egg this house with me?

Group Calls For Oregon Sheriff's Resignation for Extreme Pro-Gun Views

This time it matters. Sheriff Hanlin publicly said he will not enforce new voter mandated legislation that expands background checks. An officer of the law refusing to enforce laws, not acceptable whether I agree with his politics or not.
Group Calls For Oregon Sheriff's Resignation for Extreme Pro-Gun Views
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence called for the immediate resignation of Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin and step down as the Oregon shooting lead investigator over his extreme pro-gun views.

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Yaaaay! Yesenia Diaz ¡Canilla en el cuadro!
Happy Birthday Yesenia!

See your beautful PingSome card

Happy Birthday Yesenia!
See your beautful PingSome card

calibre - About

E-books. I HATE that content I purchase be locked into a device. Why can't I open my iBooks on my computer?! Why do I have to use an app or Kindle device? Why can't I use my purchase and put it on any device I choose? *******Actually I can FREE***** CALIBRE Crazy powerful, open source, PC software. Mac, Linux and Windows. This software has been around for years. I've had it forever - before I had an e-book capable device. You can open a large variety of formats, change the format of your books to use on a different device, create e-books from: Wiki segments, PDFs, etc. You can edit, notate, mark and print in your e-book. Search for titles/authors in many many site/services at once and search for free e-books. Manage your collection in cool ways. Far too much for me to mention. I just imported into Calibre all of my books to my desktop/laptop. Now I can get some stuff done with the teaching stuff I bought. And I can dig out that awesome Sony e-reader, and not buy another device (It's not lit, that sucks).
calibre - About
calibre: The one stop solution for all your e-book needs. Comprehensive e-book software.

Second Amendment | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute

One of the most significant and THE most poorly written piece in American legislative history. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This article is my standby reference that I occasionally return to in matters of gun control. It explains the two interpretations of the amendment - individual v collective arms. It goes on the cite Supreme Court cases and rulings. Overall it illustrates how the interpretation of the amendment has evolved.
Second Amendment | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment's intended scope.

How They Got Their Guns

This is an excellent piece. Simple, brief lists of facts, incredible images of weapons. The images add tremendous impact. As do the circumstances of the acquisitions, spoiler alert: they were legal. Mass shootings are less of an anomaly now. They've gained momentum. Each event and gunman microprocessed ad nauseam on TV, for hours for several days, feeds and fills some vacant mind somewhere. The system in place does nothing to prevent these acquisitions - as such the system only serves to document them for future reference. When the FBI and reporters show up.
How They Got Their Guns
Criminal histories and documented mental health problems did not prevent at least eight of the gunmen in 14 recent mass shootings from obtaining their weapons.

Prison Debate Team Beats Harvard Debate Team in National Competition: Now You Know Why Innocent...

"Inmates are prohibited from using the internet for research in preparation for such debates, and the Harvard team was stunned by how well-prepared the inmate team was." "Judge Mary Nugent took special note of the inmate team’s performance. She said it might seem tempting to favor the prisoners’ team, but the three judges have to justify their votes to each other based on specific rules and standards. “We’re all human,” Nugent said. “I don’t think we can ever judge devoid of context or where we are, but the idea they would win out of sympathy is playing into pretty misguided ideas about inmates. Their academic ability is impressive.”
Prison Debate Team Beats Harvard Debate Team in National Competition: Now You Know Why Innocent...
Three members of the Harvard University debate team competed against three inmates who were convicted of violent crimes. The inmates won the debate, proof that prison isn’t always the end of the line for some people.

Guns killed more Americans in 12 years than AIDS, war, and illegal drug overdoses combined

I responded to a comment on this post. The comment said that perhaps the numbers are skewed because they include gang and criminal stats (implying illegal guns, I think). I wrote: I'm a little confused. I would think that all applicable death stats count in the gun violence tally. Criminals or people with intent would be idiots to legally buy and register their weapons. Legal v. Illegal should not be a factor in this context. I do know that statistically the large majority women killed by guns have been murdered with the household gun, by a partner rather than a criminal. Accidental deaths also with household guns. Those are huge problems but relative to criminal gun violence in numbers they don't compare. So I don't think including crimes is skewing the numbers, it highlights the issue: we as a nation are saturated with guns.
Guns killed more Americans in 12 years than AIDS, war, and illegal drug overdoses combined

The Photos That Helped End Child Labor in the United States

I did a blog post about this - save for update?
The Photos That Helped End Child Labor in the United States
Lewis Hine sometimes went undercover to capture images of kids at work.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Disruptive Transistor – And Where It Came From

Great video!!! Want a quick, easy, basic understanding of binary, semiconductors, and the almighty transistor? You should!! They rule your world. And it's interesting. John you know this stuff, you were the first/only person I thought about while watching. With you in mind I thought the rock dis was funny. "The only regret I have about the transistor is that it is used for rock and roll.", Co-inventor of the transistor.
The Disruptive Transistor – And Where It Came From
You're a multi-millionaire! You personally own at least 10 million transistors. But do you know how they work? Know who invented them? Or why? Dave Brody reports the back-story of this – most disruptive – technology.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Gun Ownership Is Declining, So Why Is the Gun Lobby So Powerful? |

Now we are talking about things that matter in the gun control debate. Bet it's money. When the NRA membership hat arrived, I grabbed it immediately. (To mock) I checked the label, MADE IN CHINA. Done, cancel. What bullshitting lame wads. Couldn't support an American company to produce your gear. Incredible. Liberty, prosperity, patriotism, and freedom don't matter when it comes to spending money. I hate them.
Gun Ownership Is Declining, So Why Is the Gun Lobby So Powerful? |
About half of all American households owned at least one gun in the 1970s. In 2014, only 31 percent had a firearm.

Say No to 'The New Normal' -- Five Things You Can Do About Gun Violence |

Haven't read it yet.
Say No to 'The New Normal' -- Five Things You Can Do About Gun Violence |
Take action now to require sane and responsible gun ownership.

The White House

Read all the way to the end gun people. Don't immediately wave around the Constitution and freak out.
The White House
"This is a political choice that we make to allow this to happen every few months in America. We collectively are answerable to those families who lose their loves ones because of our inaction. When Americans are killed in mine disasters, we work to make mines safer. When Americans are killed in floods and hurricanes, we make communities safer. When roads are unsafe, we fix them to reduce auto fatalities. We have seatbelt laws because we know it safes lives. The notion that gun violence is somehow different—that our freedom and our Constitution prohibits any modest regulation of how we use a deadly weapon, when there are law-abiding gun owners all across the country who could hunt, and protect their families, and do everything they do under such regulations—doesn't make sense." —President Obama on the shooting in Roseburg, Oregon: #UCCShooting

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

TransCanada Hands Major Victory to Nebraska Landowners

"This afternoon, TransCanada announced that the company will pull out of the lawsuit filed by over 100 Nebraska landowners challenging their right to use eminent domain to seize land for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline."
TransCanada Hands Major Victory to Nebraska Landowners
Company pulls out of lawsuits filed by 100+ landowners challenging eminent domain authority.

Burkina Faso Military Puts Down Last Holdouts From Coup Attempt

Peace. "Holdouts from the unit, the Presidential Security Regiment, had refused to surrender, even after the leader of the coup, Gen. Gilbert Diendéré, called for them to lay down their weapons."
Burkina Faso Military Puts Down Last Holdouts From Coup Attempt
Ending a tense showdown, forces loyal to the transitional government overran the barracks of troops who tried to seize power 13 days earlier.

Reuniting Rat Pack, part of Industrial renamed for Sammy Davis Jr.

Hey man, that's swingin'! "Mister Show Business" reunites with "The Chairman" and Dean Martin on the streets of Las Vegas. "I am so happy to see my father reunited in the town we have loved with his best friends," said Tracey Davis, the performer's daughter. "I am sure Uncles Frank and Dean along with my legendary father are smiling right now."
Reuniting Rat Pack, part of Industrial renamed for Sammy Davis Jr.
Clark County is preparing to reunite the Rat Pack as a planned street renaming takes place on Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Glass-bottomed suspension bridge opens in China

Glass-bottomed suspension bridge opens in China
A 180-metre-high glass bridge has opened in Hunan Province. Dare you cross Haohan Qiao? Translation: ‘brave men’s bridge’?

Professional Imbecile George Zimmerman Retweets Graphic Photo of Trayvon Martin's Dead Body

Really? Yes. There's a contest to win the Confederate flag painting that he created. Very busy man.
Professional Imbecile George Zimmerman Retweets Graphic Photo of Trayvon Martin's Dead Body
Zimmerman also mocked the #BlackLivesMatter movement with a photo of Barack Obama.

Monday, September 28, 2015

UN general assembly: six historic moments

Ah, the shoe..."Khrushchev pounds the table with his shoe. Castro speaks for hours. Gadhafi tears up the UN charter. Here's a look back at six memorable moments from past sessions:" with narrated video clips.
UN general assembly: six historic moments
From Khrushchev's shoe to Netanyahu's cartoon bomb, the UN general assembly has generated memorable moments over the years

These Photos Of Celebrities When They Were Young Are Amazing

Wow! 72 photos. From Snoop Dogg to Betty Page. I didn't recognize Brittany Spears, Abee some others. Frank Sinatra tried to commit suicide 4 times. Christopher Walken looked normal and even cute for once. "Walken has tried to make his character dance at some point in every movie he’s acted in • He was the second choice to play Han Solo • As a fifteen-year-old, he was a lion tamer in a circus"
These Photos Of Celebrities When They Were Young Are Amazing
1. Mariah Carey and Will Smith - 1988 • Mariah was 18, Will was 19 • Mariah's nickname in school was "Mirage" because she was rarely there • Will Smith was raised a Baptist 2. Marlene Dietrich - 1945 • Dietrich's first job was playing violin in silent movie the

GOP Critics of Nuclear Deal Couldn't Find Iran on a Map, Says Iranian President Rouhani

Right you are sir...Some GOP candidates couldn't find Iran on a map or know Tehran is the capital, says the president of Iran. Ha ha ha ha!
GOP Critics of Nuclear Deal Couldn't Find Iran on a Map, Says Iranian President Rouhani
He accuses Republican presidential candidates of making "political slogans" on nuclear deal

Shell To Abandon Drilling in Alaskan Arctic After Disappointing Results

Shell abandoning arctic drilling because there's not enough oil to to be profitable. Aww.
Shell To Abandon Drilling in Alaskan Arctic After Disappointing Results
The oil company is is abandoning its work in the Alaskan Arctic after disappointing results from an exploratory well.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Quiz: Do you know your Star Trek aliens?

Lame! I missed 2.
Quiz: Do you know your Star Trek aliens?
Star Trek had a vivid imagination limited only by budget and special effects technology. Still, despite the limits of the late 1960s, Star Trek delivered a memorable gallery of aliens that could be humanoid, ghostly, furry, lumpy or scaly. How well do you remember the alien races from these episodes…

Saturday, September 26, 2015

New Report Reveals Why Fighters Are Quitting ISIS

Short, interesting.
New Report Reveals Why Fighters Are Quitting ISIS
Tens of thousands of people have journeyed to Iraq and Syria to join Islamic State militants in the past few years, but after experiencing the reality of life in the group's territory many have come to

Friday, September 25, 2015

17 Insanely Fashionable Royal Trendsetters (Aside from the Duchess of Cambridge) | BuzzVariety

Not so "insane" but interesting to see the royals. I didn't know Nigeria had a royal family. All the Scandinavians made the list. There is one "insane" awesome fashion example. Stellar look.
17 Insanely Fashionable Royal Trendsetters (Aside from the Duchess of Cambridge) | BuzzVariety
17 Insanely Fashionable Royal Trendsetters (Aside from the Duchess of Cambridge) Duchess Kate isn’t the only royal known for her fantastic fashion choices, but the question is – how many of the rest do you even recognize? Photo Source: huffingtonpost.comLets begin our 17 Insanely Fashionable Royal T…

You Probably Had No Idea These 21 Celebs Are Transgender | AfternoonSpecial

You Probably Had No Idea These 21 Celebs Are Transgender | AfternoonSpecial
These 21 celebs felt that they were living in the wrong body and decided to make a change. Trust us, you probably never even knew they were transgender.

Watch Sunday's Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse - or Wait Until 2033

I am going to see this one I hope! Cool name!
Watch Sunday's Supermoon Total Lunar Eclipse - or Wait Until 2033
autoplay autoplay Skywatchers will have something to howl about on Sunday: a total Supermoon eclipse. Not only is this the best and last opportunity of the year for Americans to witness...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

I just took control of my Facebook privacy with AVG PrivacyFix.

Yeah this. And deterred Google searches of my info.
I just took control of my Facebook privacy with AVG PrivacyFix.
AVG PrivacyFix puts YOU in control of your Facebook privacy. Check yours now!

PrivacyFix - Lock down your privacy

Ha ha ha! FB doesn't earn squat from me. Great app to get access to and control your privacy settings in social media, Google, searches, YouTube, etc
PrivacyFix - Lock down your privacy
AVG PrivacyFix puts YOU in control of your Facebook privacy. Check yours now!

Leader of Burkina Faso Coup Promises to Hand Back Power

Apology for a coup d'etat ?!?! The General responsible for the coup reinstated the interim president and apologized to three people. He said the coup did not have the support of the people. He apologized a second time saying that the coup was a waste of time.
Leader of Burkina Faso Coup Promises to Hand Back Power
As troops advanced on the capital and angry protests continued, Gen. Gilbert Diendéré, apologized and said he and his followers would stand down.

Mogho Naba: Burkina Faso's mediator monarch - BBC News

"The King of the World". The key to averting a bloodbath in Burkina Faso this week. A great man.
Mogho Naba: Burkina Faso's mediator monarch - BBC News
The BBC's Lamine Konkobo profiles Mogho Naba, the Burkina Faso monarch who has played a key role in brokering the return of civilian rule after last week's coup.


It's the little things in life that keep it going. Especially coffee ☕ when it's free!

Burkina Faso's Coup Appears To Be Over

Burkina Faso interim president has been reinstated. Can democracy survive? Maybe yes. We will see how the election goes.
Burkina Faso's Coup Appears To Be Over
OUAGADOUGOU, Sept 23 (Reuters) - Burkina Faso's President, Michel Kafando, said on Wednesday he was back in charge and would resume overseeing a transition to democracy, as a coup last week by soldiers

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ben Carson: U.S. shouldn't elect a Muslim president -

Presidential Candidate Ben Carson's recent comments about Islam/Muslims in US politics were on point in part. But not at all entirely. I think what has gone unsaid is the concern for potential grave personal conflicts that a Muslim American United States president may face given the violent global religious and political climate. Having a black president hasn't benefited black people at all - so it could be moot. It's how citizens would react that is a real game changer. As it was when President Obama was elected. (Example: some white people lost their minds, waved around Obama monkey/banana images, started talking smack "take our country back" and formed the Tea Party.) Dr. Carson said (what I heard), not verbatim, that there is a fundamentally different principle of governance for a Muslim in which Islam serves as both a religion and foundation for law. Not simply as a guiding principle, but as specific law. Sharia Law for example. This concept is against the core fabric and substance of The United States Constitution. Dr. Carson is correct. Where he is wrong is in assuming all Muslims are strictly and singularly governed by faith. A Muslim can of course be president. This is America, if we elect - they are in office. There are secular democracies in Muslim dominated countries. Pakistan for example. They have a viable military and nuclear weapons. We don't sweat that. No one screams about disarming Pakistan's nuclear arsenal in America. How many Americans even know they have nuclear weapons? (We would be impotent in the region without Pakistan. Another topic though.
Ben Carson: U.S. shouldn't elect a Muslim president -
Ben Carson says the United States should not elect a Muslim president.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Scott Walker Quits the 2016 Presidential Race

Good bye loser. Guess those unions busted you after all.
Scott Walker Quits the 2016 Presidential Race
Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, short of support and money, suspended his campaign for president.

Friday, September 18, 2015

LED Fairy Dust Ball

For the shade trees. I love these!!!! And the name.
LED Fairy Dust Ball
Wonderful battery-powered led globe lights that you can hang in the shade. Built-in timer; set it once and it turns on at the same time each day.

The Worst Quality of Each Zodiac Sign

STELLAR!!!. Hilarious. The description for mine is on point, the final concussion is NOT. Still it's the most harmless conclusion of them all. Taurus "Metrosexual. Materialistic. Money whore. The Taurus can be found at all hours of the day standing in front of a mirror trying to catch slight imperfections. They will then apply a new-to-the-market topical cream to address those blemishes. Once perfect, the Taurus will attend a nightclub and buy a fruity drink and sip, while scoffing at his lessers and their crappy fashion choices." [Yessss, so true - scoffing at lessers and their crappy fashion choices. Priceless verbiage.] "They are exceptionally boring people." [NOT] Famous Taurus: Bono
The Worst Quality of Each Zodiac Sign
You're all horrible.

Syfy Now

Is that the stance when a woman fires weapons? Butt and boobs out? Does that increase accuracy?
Syfy Now

Linus Torvalds To Join Microsoft To Head Windows 9 Project

Renee Schiber John Schiber WTF?!?! Blasphemy!!! Torvalds succumbed to the Dark Side. Traitored in 2013 to make Windows virtually impossible to infect what happened to this "Windows 9"? I bet it became Miux. "This is breaking bad. This is big. Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, and a champion of free and open source software has finally call it a day and has agreed to join Microsoft as the project head of the upcoming Windows 9 project. According to Bloomberg, Linus will be working on a new Kernel design for Microsoft that will make, usually vulnerable, Windows OS virtually impossible to be infected by viruses and malware."
Linus Torvalds To Join Microsoft To Head Windows 9 Project
The father of Linux, Linus Torvalds is all set to join Microsoft to head Windows 9 project. What does it mean to the future of Linux and Open Source? Find out.

Microsoft Announces Its Own Linux OS

Renee Schiber John Schiber WOW!!! This is huge! I don't know if I like it. But this I understand. I noticed with Windows 10 that they had taken some Linux stuff. Please note each system's struggle: Market share versus Malware. You can pay $100+ for "malware struggles". I'll go with the "market share struggle" for free please. “…this should not come as a surprise. Microsoft has always been one of the biggest contributor to Linux kernel. At Microsoft, we are trying to get rid of viruses and malware in Windows OS while Linux is struggling to get a decent share of desktop market share. I think this experiment will be a win-win for both Microsoft and Linux. Windows 10 has already taken several features from Linux, so we decided that it is time to move to next level and have a Linux distribution of own…”
Microsoft Announces Its Own Linux OS
Microsoft has shocked the entire tech world by announcing a new Linux OS ahead of Windows 10 release. Few months back when Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that Microsoft loves Linux, it created qu…

National Costume Show, 2015 Miss Arab USA Pageant

National Costume Show, 2015 Miss Arab USA Pageant
FaceBook fan page Official web site http://MissArab.Org

Blog Post Template

I want to check this out. Note to self.
Blog Post Template
Use the "Content Aggregator" template to create viral blog posts - FAST (without having to "write" a single line of text). Download the template and get your post up and running today!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why the Saudis Are Going Solar

The photo is a 1979 joint research project with the US and Saudi Arabia, in a Saudi village. What have we done since? "But Turki doesn’t fit the stereotype, and neither does his country. Quietly, the prince is helping Saudi Arabia—the quintessential petrostate—prepare to make what could be one of the world’s biggest investments in solar power. Near Riyadh, the government is preparing to build a commercial-scale solar-panel factory. On the Persian Gulf coast, another factory is about to begin producing large quantities of polysilicon, a material used to make solar cells. And next year, the two state-owned companies that control the energy sector—Saudi Aramco, the world’s biggest oil company, and the Saudi Electricity Company, the kingdom’s main power producer—plan to jointly break ground on about 10 solar projects around the country."
Why the Saudis Are Going Solar
Prince Turki bin Saud bin Mohammad Al Saud is helping to lead the kingdom’s shift to solar power. (Mohammed Al-Deghaishim)

Jeb Bush said Donald Trump wanted casino gambling in Florida, got told 'no'

Bush smack down on Trump. Excellent. During the second GOP debate, Jeb Bush said that Florida stood up to Donald Trump when he tried to bring casino gambling to Florida. Even after Trump had donated lots of money. You did want casino gambling in Florida. No, I did not. Yes you did. No... "Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks declined to provide any evidence to refute Bush’s claim. A spokeswoman for Bush referred us to a Sept. 1 CNN article headlined "Jeb Bush: the man who killed Trump’s casino dreams."
Jeb Bush said Donald Trump wanted casino gambling in Florida, got told 'no'
During the second GOP debate, Jeb Bush said that Florida stood up to Donald Trump when he tried to bring casino gambling to Florida. Here is part of their testy exchange: Bush:

Pope Francis Smacks Churches: "If You Don't Help the Poor and Needy, then Pay Taxes Like a Business"

Ahhhh. Every day is delightful with this man.
Pope Francis Smacks Churches: "If You Don't Help the Poor and Needy, then Pay Taxes Like a Business"
With Pope Francis coming to the United States just a little over a week away, he has sent a very clear message to churches that use their tax-exempt status as a way to exploit their property for economic gain. Some churches are refusing to accept refugees into the buildings they own, instead preferr…

Researchers find some evidence of link between stress, Alzheimer's disease

This sucks.
Researchers find some evidence of link between stress, Alzheimer's disease
University of Florida Health researchers have uncovered more evidence of a link between the brain's stress response and a protein related to Alzheimer's disease. The research, conducted on...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Pacific Rim (2013)

Monster movie, looks epic - giant creature and giant robots! Great special effects. I've never seen anything about it before. Count me all in!
Pacific Rim (2013)
Directed by Guillermo del Toro. With Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day. As a war between humankind and monstrous sea creatures wages on, a former pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special weapon in a desperate effort to save the world from the apoca…

Saturday, September 12, 2015

I Love Being Black

I Love Being Black
#tbt - Cab Calloway and the Nicholas Brothers. From the 1943 film “Stormy Weather” starring Lena Horne, Bill Robinson & Cab Calloway. Watch this and stay with it until the Nicholas Brothers do their routine (starting at about 3:15), you’ll thank us for it… Fred Astaire once called this “the greatest dance number ever filmed.” Don't forget to like & share I Love Being Black #iLBB #iLoveBeingBlack #BlackShare

There Are Millions Of Children Like Aylan: Refugees, Migrants And Displaced Children

Donate to UNICEF I am Pro-life: I worry about the lives of the children who were born. Let's support UNICEF, just a little bit goes so very far. We have a life-long collective debt to care in some way for each other. Money will do. Hungry children are victims of the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated. Indifference. (It would be great if the next big endangered species was a hungry child.)
There Are Millions Of Children Like Aylan: Refugees, Migrants And Displaced Children
In this world, there are few things as painful as the look on the face of a child yearning for the home she used to know, wishing for a way out, desperate for school and the chance to build a stable life.

Solar-Powered Glowing Bicycle Path In Netherlands Inspired By Van Gogh’s Starry Night

The Dutch just rock the Van Gogh scene in epic ways. "Dutch artist and designer Daan Roosegaarde has created a beautiful and innovative glowing bike path that, when illuminated at night by glowing pebbles and LEDs, looks like Van Gogh’s famous Starry Night painting."
Solar-Powered Glowing Bicycle Path In Netherlands Inspired By Van Gogh’s Starry Night
Dutch artist and designer Daan Roosegaarde has created a beautiful and innovative glowing bike path that, when illuminated at night by glowing pebbles and LEDs, looks like Van Gogh's famous Starry Night painting. The kilometer-long bike path is located in Brabant, the Dutch county where Van Gogh was…

Friday, September 11, 2015

100,000+ Wonderful Pieces of Theater Ephemera Digitized by The New York Public Library

"...may your bare ass always be shining." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Maybe this is interesting
100,000+ Wonderful Pieces of Theater Ephemera Digitized by The New York Public Library
Living in New York, it’s not unusual to encounter ardent theater lovers who've carefully preserved decades worth of programs, tickets, and ephemera from every play they’ve ever seen.

A Wealth of Free Documentaries on All Things Japanese: From Bento Boxes to Tea Gardens, Ramen & Bullet Trains

For an in-depth, ideally, meaningful exploration and understanding of Japanese culture.
A Wealth of Free Documentaries on All Things Japanese: From Bento Boxes to Tea Gardens, Ramen & Bullet Trains
OBSESSED with Japanese culture,' wrote an uncommonly thoughtful Youtube commenter. 'I miss that part of me. Trying to search for it again.