Saturday, October 17, 2015

The U.S. Trade Agenda and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Go Obama!!! I'm so glad that I listened to this before hearing the trade agreement be shredded by Fox News, et al. (I'll listen to Fareed Z. GPS next). When someone from Rand calls in with a question, you know the caliber of the guest and the quality of the info they provide are at the highest levels. It's surprisingly interesting. You should listen to the first ~15 minutes. One HUGE example from the agreement: Manufactured Goods Tariffs Eliminated !!! Currently the U.S. faces 25-50% tariffs on anything manufactured that goes to various major Asian countries (Japan, etc.). Making high dollar things like cars, engines, tractors, extremely expensive in Asia. We sell much less. We're less competitive in that massive market. The implications for potential increases in industrial production and jobs are clear (to me). High paying, union, jobs with dignity. Finally a real potential for major economic growth from a once robust industry. Just in that one example alone. The example from the agreement is fact. I made the rest up. So don't repeat it as info until you check it out or hear from a credible source.
The U.S. Trade Agenda and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Oct 15, 2015 - U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman discusses the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

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