Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Execution drug shortage makes some think of firing squads

Rope, guns and electricity... I knew **Texas had to be here somewhere, I found it and it's very cryptic. (We've not had botched executions or reports of issues with supply. No issues at all actually.) "...capital punishment supporters say older methods such as hanging, electrocution and the firing squad are still viable options. "We've got plenty of electric and plenty of rope," said state Sen. Bill Seitz, a Cincinnati Republican. On Oct. 1, Virginia executed serial killer Alfredo Prieto but only after obtaining pentobarbital from the Texas prison system. **Texas has continued to purchase supplies of compounded pentobarbital without saying how much it has or where it came from. Other death penalty states also are looking at alternatives to lethal injection. Tennessee passed a law last year to reinstate the electric chair if it can't get lethal drugs, and Utah has reinstated the firing squad as a backup method." Execution drug shortage spurs firing squad talk -
Execution drug shortage makes some think of firing squads
Ohio's decision to delay executions another full year while it hunts for lethal injection drugs highlights an ongoing dilemma faced by the remaining death penalty states.

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