Sunday, October 4, 2015

Guns killed more Americans in 12 years than AIDS, war, and illegal drug overdoses combined

I responded to a comment on this post. The comment said that perhaps the numbers are skewed because they include gang and criminal stats (implying illegal guns, I think). I wrote: I'm a little confused. I would think that all applicable death stats count in the gun violence tally. Criminals or people with intent would be idiots to legally buy and register their weapons. Legal v. Illegal should not be a factor in this context. I do know that statistically the large majority women killed by guns have been murdered with the household gun, by a partner rather than a criminal. Accidental deaths also with household guns. Those are huge problems but relative to criminal gun violence in numbers they don't compare. So I don't think including crimes is skewing the numbers, it highlights the issue: we as a nation are saturated with guns.
Guns killed more Americans in 12 years than AIDS, war, and illegal drug overdoses combined

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