Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ben Carson: U.S. shouldn't elect a Muslim president - CNNPolitics.com

Presidential Candidate Ben Carson's recent comments about Islam/Muslims in US politics were on point in part. But not at all entirely. I think what has gone unsaid is the concern for potential grave personal conflicts that a Muslim American United States president may face given the violent global religious and political climate. Having a black president hasn't benefited black people at all - so it could be moot. It's how citizens would react that is a real game changer. As it was when President Obama was elected. (Example: some white people lost their minds, waved around Obama monkey/banana images, started talking smack "take our country back" and formed the Tea Party.) Dr. Carson said (what I heard), not verbatim, that there is a fundamentally different principle of governance for a Muslim in which Islam serves as both a religion and foundation for law. Not simply as a guiding principle, but as specific law. Sharia Law for example. This concept is against the core fabric and substance of The United States Constitution. Dr. Carson is correct. Where he is wrong is in assuming all Muslims are strictly and singularly governed by faith. A Muslim can of course be president. This is America, if we elect - they are in office. There are secular democracies in Muslim dominated countries. Pakistan for example. They have a viable military and nuclear weapons. We don't sweat that. No one screams about disarming Pakistan's nuclear arsenal in America. How many Americans even know they have nuclear weapons? (We would be impotent in the region without Pakistan. Another topic though.
Ben Carson: U.S. shouldn't elect a Muslim president - CNNPolitics.com
Ben Carson says the United States should not elect a Muslim president.

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