Friday, April 6, 2018

The Ben Shapiro Show by The Daily Wire on Apple Podcasts

In "Things I Love" segment today on the Ben Shapiro Show for Easter Ben has extolled upon the magnitude of greatness that is Ben Hur, the film version with Charlton Heston of course. Sigh, I forgot to watch TV to see it. I lived a long life, from early childhood, waiting to watch it every year on TV...even though I've owned it for decades. An awesome gift from older siblings. 2 VHS tapes. A costly gift in its day. Growing up, the first big events of any new year to look forward to was watching The Ten Commandments for Passover and Ben Hur for Easter on TV. Each film would take two nights to watch because they're both epics and 4 hours long with commercials. The best weekends ever! Then came Spring time and my birthday. Not always in that order. Refreshing listening. Reasoned and interesting... LOVE Ben Shapiro podcasts!! It's on the top of my must listen to list. There aren't many slots. Maybe two. Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN and Ben Shapiro Show. Ben Shapiro has incredible reasoning, logic, and argumentative skills. He's well-sourced to back up what he says via studies, books, etc and he'll tell you when it's just his opinion, belief, religious, or other bias. And I agree with him almost in totality thus far.
The Ben Shapiro Show by The Daily Wire on Apple Podcasts
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