Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Barbara Bush: I'm sick of Donald Trump

Class Distinction. Below video is a fine example to explain my admiration and affection for #BarbaraBush. She won't disparage Trump directly even when prodded, "I don't think about him". But she has plenty to say to indicate her disdain for him. I'm a liberal, with a small L. But I can enjoy and learn something from everyone. "I don't know how any woman could vote for him [Trump]..." "I'm a woman, we all know what he meant about Meagan Kelly...". ~Barbara Bush 2016 Campaign Lesson in American Class Distinction: Old vs New Money Old Money: The Bushes, especially seniors, are the epitome of 'old money', understated, confident, American so they're often direct but not personally disparaging. Elusive: silent signals like G.H.W. Bush discretely flashing his Yale socks - too much to explain, they won't air or dish dirt publicly. George W. is never publically speaks down on anyone, his brother Jeb struggled when faced with Trump for that reason. Among the best of old money there's humility with a self worth based on perceptions of service and those accomplishments. New Money: The Kennedys were great pretenders, 'new money' with 'old money' values because of and despite of bootlegger and political fixer Joe Kennedy Sr. At their best, the Kennedy kids had a sense of humility, service, and compassion. The Trumps are the worse of 'new money': brash, crass, overt self interest, arrogant, self worth solely based on monetary activities, vulgar displays of wealth like Baroque-styled decor, even a touch is bad news. Is it even possible to have a 'touch' of Baroque style? I say*: If you're a rich, once you start large scale with gold - gild and gold plate your lifestyle with new stuff not antiques - you're way off, inaccessible to ordinary people. If you have gold toilet seats it's most apropos because you're a huge ass. Gold guns in office? You have fascist panache. *Please note that this is cultural! In America we don't have a history of gilded palaces and statues like Europe, Asia, etc. or a tradition of swimming in, wearing and having, lots of gold like India.
Barbara Bush: I'm sick of Donald Trump
Former first lady Barbara Bush has braved the New Hampshire snow and hit the campaign trail for her son Jeb Bush. CNN's Jamie Gangel reports.

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