Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Atlantic

IF YOU HIT "SEND", "SUBMIT", OR "POST" IT'S NOT PRIVATE. EVER. Someone can always get to it if they want to. Ask Hillary Clinton, she had tech guys, a private server, and it still didn't work. Mark my words and maybe CHECK IF YOUR FB DATA WAS BREACHED. I don't care because I know ANYTHING you do electronically can be public. E-mail, social media, text messaging, etc. are NOT guaranteed private. Ever. That's technicality impossible. Repeat: NOTHING YOU DO ONLINE OR DATA (PHONE) IS PRIVATE. NOT E-MAIL, TEXTS, SOCIAL MEDIA LIKE FACEBOOK TWITTER. The Atlantic favorite source always with quality and relevant content.
The Atlantic
How to find out if your data was collected by Cambridge Analytica:

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