Sunday, April 8, 2018

Love Style

The million points of light. The great equalizer. The real land of opportunity, the Public Library. A source of pride. Free: WiFi - Internet access, computers,books, movies, music, info for community events and services, and more cool things like librarians! Mom and I used to go to Morris Library after school to learn French, listening to tapes. That was University School era, I was 7. I spent eons in Morris Library at SIU as a kid. Mom was doing the PhD thing and teaching, I was let loose in the library. At first I admit to mostly riding the elevator. But then what was beyond the elevator doors on each floor became interesting. Once I got taller and learned the card catalog and Dewey decimal it was on. I didn't go for precision, one book, I picked a book to find the section. Learned the Dewey of the stuff I was interested in, skip the card catalog I could find my stuff in any library. Hours of entertainment. Actually reading the entirety of things? Not so much. Too many different things to get into everywhere.
Love Style
Who uses a library still.?📔📕📖📚📑

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