Monday, February 27, 2017

‘The Daily’: Carlos’s Secret

Great piece! A podcast, audio with links. Southern Illinois. "Today we’re in West Frankfort, Ill., where my colleague Monica Davey, the Chicago bureau chief at The Times, heard about a recent episode involving one man in town — a case that has shaken the whole town’s beliefs about politics, identity and immigration." "Rednecks" (term from a local in the story) are standing up for Carlos, letters from the mayor of West Frankfurt IL and the president of the Rotary Club, citizens, locals are upset. Carlos is a highly valued pillar of the community, dedicated to the community - fund raisers etc., everyone knows him, everyone respects him, no one says anything against him. They voted 70% for Trump, but now it's time to reflect - Carlos was taken on a chance encounter by ICE, a collateral capture - they weren't after him.
‘The Daily’: Carlos’s Secret
What happened when federal agents showed up in a small town that had overwhelmingly voted for President Trump, and his campaign rhetoric became a reality.

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