Saturday, February 4, 2017

Learning the Singapore Way of Topping Global Education Rankings

First, money. Second, kids first - value of education process, not simply quantifying the success. Third, teachers. They aren't bullied I think. Latitude and resources. Classes are tiered so that teachers can go at a pace suitable for the class. Teachers are able to identify and offer extra help for failing students. Which is something all teachers strive to do but do not have the time or other support mechanisms in place. "One of the most unique traits of Singapore's education system has been the streaming of schoolchildren at a young age for classes that offer faster or slower paces of learning that suit their abilities based on their exam performance. Students in the express stream will take just four years to complete their secondary school before moving on to either junior college or a polytechnics, which is why the express stream is seen by parents and students as the most promising route to enter local universities. Students in the normal academic stream will take five years to complete their secondary education. Despite the criticism it has received in the past, proponents of streaming argue that it allows educators to teach at a pace more suited to the students and give them more attention, ensuring no one falls through the gaps of the system. Singapore's school teachers also provide extra coaching for students who are struggling with math, especially those in the weaker streams. "Generally if you go to any school, our teachers will conduct additional lessons if the students need it," Ridzuan said."
Learning the Singapore Way of Topping Global Education Rankings
Some teachers think while it is good that the country is ranked number one in the world for math and...

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