Saturday, February 24, 2018

United, Delta join companies that are cutting ties with NRA

I hate the NRA. But not for the same reasons you do. I don’t hate guns or Conservatives. Both are deeply rooted in the fabric of America and to be respected, each in a different way. The NRA inserted themselves into social, political, and economic arenas where they have no relevance and now ideally they pay a price. Huge companies are cutting ties with the NRA. Companies with no relationship to guns know who their current and future customers are. Mob rule works in ways I like sometimes. This time more than the loud mouths have stood up - perhaps we’ve had enough of them after they gave us Trump? A good shunning works wonders. I hope this one hurts. I'm not anti-gun at all. I respect them. I think guns are scary but fun to shoot. Hunters continue a skilled legacy, help to manage animal populations and the environment. Guns are needed for protection. I sincerely say, “Thank you” to the armed forces and law enforcement. We don’t have to carry guns daily because they do. Criminality rarely lies with legal gun owners unless you’re super stupid or a nut. An ass or idiot with a gun is an issue, legal or not. All owners who are parents without gunsafes are an issue. The NRA has become a national superpower. An ultra Conservative social and political weapon in matters unrelated to responsible gun ownership, sport, or rights. An abrasive, dominating, corrupt, and hypocritical entity. Small example tells all: my husband joined (and quit the next month) and got a free NRA hat. I grabbed the hat, AHA! of course, "Made in China". That is absolutely bullshit, unpatriotic, no leg to stand on. What hypocritics that meddle in political affairs shouting about “jobs” and "America first" when they don't support American manufacturing. No doubt that the tonnage of crap they produce to give away or sell is NOT made in America. I hate them for that alone. I just dislike the current NRA. It thrives on power held up by fostering division, hypocrisy, and ridiculous rhetoric. It was founded by two Union generals to encourage marksmanship because the enlisted soldiers were such poor shots. Sport and competition. Then they evolved focus to include promoting proper gun ownership and gun safety. Involved with hunters, individuals, and families, etc. They got political and social. In the late 1960’s, the NRA actively supported LIMITING gun rights/ownership with the government when the Black Panthers armed themselves. No comment. NRA does not listen to their own members any more than Congress does but the NRA does not have to be held to account. Until now. Get back to where you belong NRA.
United, Delta join companies that are cutting ties with NRA
A growing number of companies are announcing plans to sever ties with the National Rifle Association following the shooting massacre Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida that killed 17 students and staff, sparking renewed calls for gun control. One of the first companies....

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