Friday, February 23, 2018

Justice Dept. to Prioritize Prosecutions for Lying in Gun Background Checks

It is a felony to lie on the 6 page background check application for gun purchase but it is rarely "if ever" prosecuted. If the application does not get a response within an allotted time period the sale is permitted. Are they being processed? So finally, it's time to get serious to enforce laws already in place? Attorneys General are reviewing and prosecuting the felony applications that were ignored. What is the issue associated with additional background checks? It's something that a large majority of Americans support expanding. Yet their reprentatives in the capital do not. One fact is that background checks would not have prevented the mass shootings. "However, "But the renewed emphasis on background checks would not have stopped the suspect in that shooting, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, who legally purchased several firearms — including an AK-47 within the past month." AR-15, AK, or semi-auto or plain handgun can kill. AR-15 and AK are more lethal by far. The Vegas shooter was able to kill many from a distance. But a hunting rifle can do that, not as many deaths. There has to be more or something else than a single gun ban. That just doesn't make sense. Law enforcement agencies taking reports more seriously and acting on them. That would have prevented this last shooting in Florida. Maybe the psychos that shot up the Colorado movie theater or the Sandy Hook grade school. But not the Las Vegas shooter. *There was an armed officer on the scene in Florida who did not enter the school. Arming teachers is ridiculous and appalling. Facing and shooting a human being takes more than a gun. I have no idea what the answer is. I know what does work. Go to a Jewish school or place where Jewish children gather. You cannot get near them, let alone with a gun. They have heavy security plans and methods. The Jewish community center in Austin stops every car that arrives with a guard and gate you need a pass to enter. It doesn't even let the public know where the children are located on the campus. Not even when you're on the campus, there's no signs, nothing.
Justice Dept. to Prioritize Prosecutions for Lying in Gun Background Checks
The guidance, expected to be announced in the coming days, allows the Trump administration to take action on guns without issuing rules that might inflame gun rights supporters.

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