Saturday, February 3, 2018

How the Military Is (quietly) Defying Trump by Battling Climate Change | War College on acast

Climate trump card and mic drop. Climate Change deniers, I play my money card - The Pentagon. Bam! The military always knows the real story, they have long been preparing for and fully acknowledge "climate change". Unless President Trump is in ear shot. Then they call it something else. Either way, they've ignored Trump's orders. (My keyboard : when I type the word 'President', the keyboard adds Obama next and not Trump. Ever. No 'President Trump'. That is biased. And amusing.) The military folks are the big responders in weather catastrophes from floods to wildfires. Their bases, operations, purchases, and planning are all effected by climate change.
How the Military Is (quietly) Defying Trump by Battling Climate Change | War College on acast
Barack Obama ordered the U.S. military to directly prepare for climate change. Donald Trump’s White House reversed that policy.So what’s a general to do?Tara Copp, Pentagon bureau chief for Military Times, takes us deep into the five-sided box to tell us what the military is doing to fight what ...

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