Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Trump's Personal Lawyer Admits He Paid Adult Film Star $130,000

President Barack Obama faced dogged criticism his entire 2 terms in office because he had only been a "community organizer" and a first term Senator. His preacher criticized America and damned it for its evil historic treatment of black people. His Preacher, at least the man (Obama) went to church and a had relationship with a church long before he ran for office. Imagine Trump supporters were this story or any other Trump trash about Obama during his Presidency. Or ever. They couldn’t find a thing on Obama, tried to make stuff up like Trump’s "birther movement". You KNOW everyone tried to find anything on Obama since he announced his candidacy 10 years ago. Magic super black man! I may not have agreed with him on things but it stops there. President Trump had an affair with a porn star (whore who only got $130,000 cash) paid her off via his personal lawyer. The lawyer claims he never was paid back by Trump. Got nothing against porn stars and whores at all. Go girls! If it’s your thing, I hope it’s under your control for your benefit.
Trump's Personal Lawyer Admits He Paid Adult Film Star $130,000
President Donald Trump's personal lawyer says he paid an adult film star $130,000 out of his own pocket.

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