Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Up to 60 per cent of prisoners have head injuries, as experts warn brain damage may fuel crime

This is a huge breakthrough in dealing with violent crime and criminals. TBI [traumatic brain injury] compromises important neurological functions for self-regulation and social behaviour and increases risk of behavioural disorder and psychiatric morbidity. ~Lancet Psychiatry
Up to 60 per cent of prisoners have head injuries, as experts warn brain damage may fuel crime
More than half of criminals may have suffered a head injury which could be fuelling their offending, a new review by British brain experts suggests.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

United, Delta join companies that are cutting ties with NRA

I hate the NRA. But not for the same reasons you do. I don’t hate guns or Conservatives. Both are deeply rooted in the fabric of America and to be respected, each in a different way. The NRA inserted themselves into social, political, and economic arenas where they have no relevance and now ideally they pay a price. Huge companies are cutting ties with the NRA. Companies with no relationship to guns know who their current and future customers are. Mob rule works in ways I like sometimes. This time more than the loud mouths have stood up - perhaps we’ve had enough of them after they gave us Trump? A good shunning works wonders. I hope this one hurts. I'm not anti-gun at all. I respect them. I think guns are scary but fun to shoot. Hunters continue a skilled legacy, help to manage animal populations and the environment. Guns are needed for protection. I sincerely say, “Thank you” to the armed forces and law enforcement. We don’t have to carry guns daily because they do. Criminality rarely lies with legal gun owners unless you’re super stupid or a nut. An ass or idiot with a gun is an issue, legal or not. All owners who are parents without gunsafes are an issue. The NRA has become a national superpower. An ultra Conservative social and political weapon in matters unrelated to responsible gun ownership, sport, or rights. An abrasive, dominating, corrupt, and hypocritical entity. Small example tells all: my husband joined (and quit the next month) and got a free NRA hat. I grabbed the hat, AHA! of course, "Made in China". That is absolutely bullshit, unpatriotic, no leg to stand on. What hypocritics that meddle in political affairs shouting about “jobs” and "America first" when they don't support American manufacturing. No doubt that the tonnage of crap they produce to give away or sell is NOT made in America. I hate them for that alone. I just dislike the current NRA. It thrives on power held up by fostering division, hypocrisy, and ridiculous rhetoric. It was founded by two Union generals to encourage marksmanship because the enlisted soldiers were such poor shots. Sport and competition. Then they evolved focus to include promoting proper gun ownership and gun safety. Involved with hunters, individuals, and families, etc. They got political and social. In the late 1960’s, the NRA actively supported LIMITING gun rights/ownership with the government when the Black Panthers armed themselves. No comment. NRA does not listen to their own members any more than Congress does but the NRA does not have to be held to account. Until now. Get back to where you belong NRA.
United, Delta join companies that are cutting ties with NRA
A growing number of companies are announcing plans to sever ties with the National Rifle Association following the shooting massacre Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida that killed 17 students and staff, sparking renewed calls for gun control. One of the first companies....

Friday, February 23, 2018

Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynne on iBooks

Read the description, it alone is very interesting and has history info. Do open the link. Top rated book that I don't know I can handle because the story never ends well for native peoples in America. Or likely anywhere. But it's to significant historically to pass by unexplored. Compelling narratives of Cynthia Ann Parker and her mixed son Quanah, the last chief of the Comanches - the bad asses of the American West. And the fierce 40 year battle between the Comanche and white settlers who came to take over native land during westward expansion. You don't hear much about the Comanche in American culture, in film and mind we generally think Apache and others. But it was "the fighting ability of the Comanches that determined just how and when the American West opened up."
Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynne on iBooks
Read a free sample or buy Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynne. You can read this book with iBooks on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac.

Justice Dept. to Prioritize Prosecutions for Lying in Gun Background Checks

It is a felony to lie on the 6 page background check application for gun purchase but it is rarely "if ever" prosecuted. If the application does not get a response within an allotted time period the sale is permitted. Are they being processed? So finally, it's time to get serious to enforce laws already in place? Attorneys General are reviewing and prosecuting the felony applications that were ignored. What is the issue associated with additional background checks? It's something that a large majority of Americans support expanding. Yet their reprentatives in the capital do not. One fact is that background checks would not have prevented the mass shootings. "However, "But the renewed emphasis on background checks would not have stopped the suspect in that shooting, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, who legally purchased several firearms — including an AK-47 within the past month." AR-15, AK, or semi-auto or plain handgun can kill. AR-15 and AK are more lethal by far. The Vegas shooter was able to kill many from a distance. But a hunting rifle can do that, not as many deaths. There has to be more or something else than a single gun ban. That just doesn't make sense. Law enforcement agencies taking reports more seriously and acting on them. That would have prevented this last shooting in Florida. Maybe the psychos that shot up the Colorado movie theater or the Sandy Hook grade school. But not the Las Vegas shooter. *There was an armed officer on the scene in Florida who did not enter the school. Arming teachers is ridiculous and appalling. Facing and shooting a human being takes more than a gun. I have no idea what the answer is. I know what does work. Go to a Jewish school or place where Jewish children gather. You cannot get near them, let alone with a gun. They have heavy security plans and methods. The Jewish community center in Austin stops every car that arrives with a guard and gate you need a pass to enter. It doesn't even let the public know where the children are located on the campus. Not even when you're on the campus, there's no signs, nothing.
Justice Dept. to Prioritize Prosecutions for Lying in Gun Background Checks
The guidance, expected to be announced in the coming days, allows the Trump administration to take action on guns without issuing rules that might inflame gun rights supporters.

Amnesty International: Trump created year of 'hate-filled rhetoric'

Sigh... "It said Trump "wasted little time putting his anti-rights rhetoric of discrimination and xenophobia into action" when he assumed office. "The specters of hatred and fear now loom large in world affairs, and we have few governments standing up for human rights in these disturbing times," said Amnesty International's secretary general, Salil Shetty, in a statement accompanying the [annual] report." ~article
Amnesty International: Trump created year of 'hate-filled rhetoric'
Amnesty International is ripping President Trump, accusing him of creating a year of "hate-filled rhetoric" through his immigration policy.

School bans haircut known as the 'Meet me at McDonald's'

Just posted for the haircut name. And hideous look.
School bans haircut known as the 'Meet me at McDonald's'
A school has banned a haircut known as the

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month on Google Arts & Culture

Again..."You can't understand human culture in the 21st century without understanding American culture, and as anyone who's spent time in most any major U.S. city knows, you certainly can't understand American culture without understanding Latino culture."
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month on Google Arts & Culture
¡Viva la cultura! From the peaks of Machu Picchu to Nuyorican Poets Cafe, explore the diversity of Latino Cultures on Google Arts & Culture during #HispanicH...

Google Digitizes and Puts Online a Vast Archive of Latino Artworks and Artifacts

"You can't understand human culture in the 21st century without understanding American culture, and as anyone who's spent time in most any major U.S. city knows, you certainly can't understand American culture without understanding Latino culture."
Google Digitizes and Puts Online a Vast Archive of Latino Artworks and Artifacts
American culture without understanding Latino culture. I write this while traveling in Los Angeles, a city that makes that point with particularly impressive force, but just a few moments with an overview of Latino art will underscore the vitality it has provided America, and thus the world.

News from The Associated Press

Nobel laureate An San Su Chi, I can’t spell her name nor care, this is the country she governs... “Myanmar's armed forces are accused not just of burning Muslim villages with the help of Buddhist mobs, but of carrying out massacres, rapes and widespread looting. The latest crisis in Rakhine state began in August after Rohingya insurgents launched a series of unprecedented attacks on security posts... One displaced Rohingya woman, whose village was among those razed, said she recently visited her former home in Myin Hlut and was shocked by what she saw. Most houses had been torched last year, but now, "everything is gone, not even the trees are left," the woman, named Zubairia, told AP by telephone. "They just bulldozed everything ... I could hardly recognize it." The 18-year-old said other homes in the same area that had been abandoned but not damaged were also flattened. "All the memories that I had there are gone," she said. "They've been erased." ~article
News from The Associated Press
BANGKOK (AP) -- First, their villages were burned to the ground. Now, Myanmar's government is using bulldozers to literally erase them from the earth - in a vast operation rights groups say is destroying crucial evidence of mass atrocities against the nation's ethnic Rohingya Muslim minority.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Click here to support R.A.C.E organized by Emily Cochran

I did this last year. But I missed this link. This is my cousin Emily. She's very ill and needs monetary help. Love you Email!
Click here to support R.A.C.E organized by Emily Cochran
Hello, everyone. My name is Emily Cochran. I've started a GOFUNDME Campaign:R.A.C.E. (Remove bad cells, Alert good cells,Confine all good cells, and extinguish all bad premature cells)! I was diagnosed with cancer; AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) M2 in August 2015. I was hospitalized for several mon...

Samuel L. Jackson Acts Out His Film Career w/ James Corden

This is funny. Samuel acts out a few moments from several of his films. Comically.
Samuel L. Jackson Acts Out His Film Career w/ James Corden
Samuel L. Jackson and James Corden act out snippets from Samuel's legendary film career, covering everything from "Pulp Fiction" to "Jurassic Park." "Subscri...

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Black Panther premieres in Kenya

Check this out Poonam! There’s a huge culture developing around this Black Panther. Christine, well sis I got this story and more because I picked the topic tag for ‘Black Panther’ in a news app - this is NOT the Black Panther that I had in mind. But it has become interesting. Everyone knows, I LOVE a good superhero film. This could be a sea change for the genre. COOL.
Black Panther premieres in Kenya
Fans celebrate the African premiere of Marvel's Black Panther in the Kenyan city of Kisumu, the hometown of star Lupita Nyong'o.

Trump's Personal Lawyer Admits He Paid Adult Film Star $130,000

President Barack Obama faced dogged criticism his entire 2 terms in office because he had only been a "community organizer" and a first term Senator. His preacher criticized America and damned it for its evil historic treatment of black people. His Preacher, at least the man (Obama) went to church and a had relationship with a church long before he ran for office. Imagine Trump supporters were this story or any other Trump trash about Obama during his Presidency. Or ever. They couldn’t find a thing on Obama, tried to make stuff up like Trump’s "birther movement". You KNOW everyone tried to find anything on Obama since he announced his candidacy 10 years ago. Magic super black man! I may not have agreed with him on things but it stops there. President Trump had an affair with a porn star (whore who only got $130,000 cash) paid her off via his personal lawyer. The lawyer claims he never was paid back by Trump. Got nothing against porn stars and whores at all. Go girls! If it’s your thing, I hope it’s under your control for your benefit.
Trump's Personal Lawyer Admits He Paid Adult Film Star $130,000
President Donald Trump's personal lawyer says he paid an adult film star $130,000 out of his own pocket.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bitcoin explained: How do cryptocurrencies work?

Super duper simple explanation! How does Bitcoin work?
Bitcoin explained: How do cryptocurrencies work?
An estimated £3-4 billion is being laundered via cryptocurrencies in Europe every year, the director of Europol has told the BBC. It comes as the Shadow Treasury Minister, Alison McGovern, says much speedier regulation is needed. But what are cryptocurrencies? Spencer Kelly explains all.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Samuel L. Jackson Acts Out His Film Career w/ James Corden

Samuel L. Jackson Acts Out His Film Career w/ James Corden
Samuel L. Jackson and James Corden act out snippets from Samuel's legendary film career, covering everything from "Pulp Fiction" to "Jurassic Park." "Subscri...

Darth Vader Goes To Anger Management

Hilarious! Danny this is for you. Not for anger issues but excellent use of Vader.
Darth Vader Goes To Anger Management
The Emperor sends Lord Vader on a mission.

Hitler Finds out Chuck Norris is Coming - [Episode Four]

SORRY. This is hilarious. One of the top ones that I've seen. I don't think Nazi's are fodder for humor. Hitler is ripe for mocking. This is a segment from a film that gets redone with ridiculous subtitles. It's an ongoing gag and many are hilarious. John I picked you for Chuck Norris. It is primo.
Hitler Finds out Chuck Norris is Coming - [Episode Four]
The original movie is called: "Downfall" (German: Der Untergang) Batman, Superman, Thor and Perseus don't faze Hitler, but then he learns Chuck Norris is com...


It's dumping snow. I may not get to the hospital today. BUMMER. Here's why I don't bother to drive in the snow, or weather, in my Mustang GT. Only if I'm very alert and feeling macho. 98% of these don't involve any weather, just a road, usually straight. Ha ha ha! Sort of.
ULTIMATE FORD MUSTANG DRIVING FAILS, EPIC MUSTANG CRASH COMPILATION Uploaded as educational video. Take these videos as a learning tool. Always obey the laws...

The Best Of Hank & Hank

Not sure if this is the one. I do like the cover. But I want Hank Sr. original recordings included. No "duos dead folk" crap.
The Best Of Hank & Hank
The Best Of Hank & Hank

Hank Williams Jr. - Family Tradition

Thinking about family bullshit dramas got me down. Need Boseefus! Woo! For all families everywhere... BRILLIANT SONG. On my Forever List from the first time I heard it in high school. Yes, I do know all the lyrics - the best part! I immediately got a copy and played it to death. Immortalized in my top ten favorite songs of all time: Family Tradition. It's one of my big time sing-a-longs. The best drinking and partying song too. Need to liven up the party? Give them some Boseefus!
Hank Williams Jr. - Family Tradition

Saturday, February 3, 2018

How the Military Is (quietly) Defying Trump by Battling Climate Change | War College on acast

Climate trump card and mic drop. Climate Change deniers, I play my money card - The Pentagon. Bam! The military always knows the real story, they have long been preparing for and fully acknowledge "climate change". Unless President Trump is in ear shot. Then they call it something else. Either way, they've ignored Trump's orders. (My keyboard : when I type the word 'President', the keyboard adds Obama next and not Trump. Ever. No 'President Trump'. That is biased. And amusing.) The military folks are the big responders in weather catastrophes from floods to wildfires. Their bases, operations, purchases, and planning are all effected by climate change.
How the Military Is (quietly) Defying Trump by Battling Climate Change | War College on acast
Barack Obama ordered the U.S. military to directly prepare for climate change. Donald Trump’s White House reversed that policy.So what’s a general to do?Tara Copp, Pentagon bureau chief for Military Times, takes us deep into the five-sided box to tell us what the military is doing to fight what ...

Friday, February 2, 2018

On February 2, 1979

This Day in History 1979?! Wow. I wasn't even out of high school. Sid Vicious' death is hardly historic.
On February 2, 1979
Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious dies in New York

Five unusual weather words you may not have heard

Very cool!! There’s even a word for the smell of rain in the air. Which I cannot recall.
Five unusual weather words you may not have heard
You may not realize it, but we talk about weather all the time. But there are some weather words that you might not have heard before. What are they? Let's find out.

Timelapse captures stunning transformation of Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

Wow! I miss out on everything cool! Incredible!
Timelapse captures stunning transformation of Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
The rare "Super Blue Blood Moon," was clearly visible this week over Melbourne, Victoria. Jason Maley, a self-proclaimed astrophotography enthusiast, recorded this timelapse footage through a telescope from Perth.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Bald Eagle just chillin', floating down Mississippi River

Bald Eagle just chillin', floating down Mississippi River
A Bald Eagle was spotted casually floating on a piece of ice in the frigid Misissippi River. Followed for miles with car and on foot, this Bald Eagle has no intention of ending his leisurely cruise.