Sunday, October 15, 2017

Withdrawal characterizes Trump view of U.S. role in world: Council on Foreign Relations head

"The Withdrawal Doctrine" - Richard Haas We've had the Monroe Doctrine and many other presidential themes. Now we have a new one freshly minted for Trump. So perfect. We can consolidate the method how to lose a leadership position of power and influence - lose opportunities for investments for and directing of research, innovation, future technology, energy, etc - to boost China's leadership role on multiple levels as they step up to the task - into one phrase. So weak and lame. How did this guy get to THE mic, the one in front of George Washington's White House portrait? I tried to give him a chance. Despite idiotic statements on white supremacy, this inane mindset is the deal-breaker. He can't devise a real plan or strategy, likely bores him, so like everything and everyone else he can't manhandle he destroys it and dumps it on the side of the road.
Withdrawal characterizes Trump view of U.S. role in world: Council on Foreign Relations head
Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, believes he’s hit on a term that captures the Trump weltanschaaung, à la the Monroe or Truman doctrine.

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