Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fareed Zakaria GPS: Hillary Clinton - CNN Video

Boo! Go away, far away. She offers little that is new or insightful. She's so difficult to listen to. Drones. "Candid" means snarky. Making some more moolah with her blah blah. I'll pass on this episode of my fave TV show. "What Happened?" Your political machine didn't work. Needed something more to focus on than being a woman. People don't care for you. You lost, now we have Trump. Thanks Hil!
Fareed Zakaria GPS: Hillary Clinton - CNN Video
Hillary Clinton shares with CNN's Fareed Zakaria, her candid assessment of America's place in the world and her 2016 election loss. Fareed Zakaria GPS airs Sunday at 10 A.M.

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