Sunday, October 15, 2017

School district removes 'To Kill a Mockingbird' from reading lists for the most alarming reason

"...makes people uncomfortable...". Thus we will never learn to process, discuss, and cope, with things outside our acceptance. Rare public statement from Harper Lee years ago: "Surely it is plain to the simplest intelligence that To Kill a Mockingbird spells out in words of seldom more than two syllables a code of honor and conduct, Christian in its ethic, that is the heritage of all Southerners. To hear that the novel is 'immoral' has made me count the years between now and 1984, for I have yet to come across a better example of doublethink," Lee wrote at the time, ending on a reference to George Orwell's famous dystopian novel. -article
School district removes 'To Kill a Mockingbird' from reading lists for the most alarming reason
'There is some language in the book that makes people uncomfortable, and we can teach the same lesson with other books.'

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