Sunday, October 15, 2017

USS Constitution to Set Sail to Commemorate Anniversaries

OMG!!! Would love to experience gun salutes this old boy fires - "Old Ironsides". Must be spectacular! This journey will commemorate the founding of the Navy 242 yrs ago and the launch of this mighty vessel 220 yrs ago. "The world's oldest commissioned warship will set sail from Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston on Oct. 20. The wooden ship will travel to Fort Independence on Castle Island, where it will fire a 21-gun salute. An additional 17-gun salute will be fired as the ship passes the U.S. Coast Guard station, the former site of the shipyard where the Constitution was built and launched in 1797." - article
USS Constitution to Set Sail to Commemorate Anniversaries
The USS Constitution is about to set sail for the first time in three years to celebrate the Navy's birthday.

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