Friday, October 27, 2017

'Open restoration' workshop opens in Rome church

If I could do anything I wanted art restoration would be it. Where better than in Rome? "Rome, October 25 - The church of Santa Marta al Collegio Romano on Wednesday opened its doors to visitors as a showcase for art restoration run by Italy's Higher Institute for Conservation and Restoration (ISCR). Upon prior booking on the ISCR website visitors can now watch art restorers come to grips with a fresco by Domenichino of Narcissus admiring his reflection, originally from Palazzo Farnese, late 16th-century frescos of the Madonna that once decorated the choir stalls in the church then owned by Augustinian nuns, and 7,000 fresco and stucco fragments from an ancient Roman villa in the Tor Vergata area of Rome. "
'Open restoration' workshop opens in Rome church
Higher institute for conservation showcases expertise

The Social Lives of Trees: Science Reveals How Trees Mysteriously Talk to Each Other, Work Together & Form Nurturing Families

Includes a TED Talks video I haven't watched yet.
The Social Lives of Trees: Science Reveals How Trees Mysteriously Talk to Each Other, Work Together & Form Nurturing Families
In addition to its ham-handed execution, maybe one of the reasons M. Night Shyamalan’s The Happening failed with critics is that its premise seemed inherently preposterous. Who could suspend disbelief? Trees don’t talk to each other, act in groups, make calculations, how foolish!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Open Letter To Donald Trump From A Christian Minister

Wow! So well crafted. It's a enjoyable fantasy to think he'd read it too.
Open Letter To Donald Trump From A Christian Minister
The Honorable Donald J. Trump Dear Mr. Trump: I write as a minister in the United Church of Christ, dedicated to the principles put forth by the Gospels, and as a citizen of the United...

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Queen Maxima and King Willem Alexander visit Eemland

And now for something fun. My new hero! QUEEN MAXIMA?! Outstanding name that she lives up to in stylish reputation - a feather trimmed dress and an "expansive piece of millinery" on her head. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Queen Maxima and King Willem Alexander visit Eemland
The Queen of the Netherlands, 46, stepped out in a plum coloured ensemble with her dress featuring a feather trim at both the neckline and the hem as she and her husband visited the region of Eemland.

Karma is a killer! Hilarious photos that prove it really exists

Not sure which is my fave. I think the one that was perfectly planned and impeccably executed: soon-to-be-ex-wife.
Karma is a killer! Hilarious photos that prove it really exists
People have shared best incidents of karma from round the world online, including a thief who pilfered 'peanut butter ice cream' that turned out to be a frozen laxative for dogs.

A sign on scrubland marks one of America's largest slave uprisings. Is this how to remember black heroes?

"But the fight to erect monuments and memorials to those enslaved – or who fought enslavement – has proved just as difficult as the battle to remove those Confederate symbols." ~ The Guardian, article Yes, what about that? Embrace the total of your Confederate era heritage, let history speak and be known.
A sign on scrubland marks one of America's largest slave uprisings. Is this how to remember black heroes?
The slaves met on a Sunday morning, close to the Stono river. Plantation owners tended to go to church on Sundays, and would leave them unattended. A man named Jemmy had gathered them together....

Black Man Arrested In 'KKK' Graffiti Case At Eastern Michigan

Can't jump on bandwagons or conclusions too soon. People are just crazy and want to divide. This man sprayed racist crap around a university campus like 'N!gger go home' or whatever. Causing mass student protests - creating an atmosphere of anger and fear.
Black Man Arrested In 'KKK' Graffiti Case At Eastern Michigan
A black man has been arrested in connection with a string of racist graffiti incidents at Eastern Michigan University that were protested by students on campus last fall. Eddie Curlin, 29,...

Monday, October 23, 2017

Kenneth Clark saw government policy as contributing to the continued existence of black ghettos.

"A ghetto is a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, typically as a result of social, legal, or economic pressure." wiki Preparing for debate. Political conservatives love to point out that failed communities of blacks have been in staunch Democrat controlled areas for decades, with some have black leadership - duh! That's called representation, are those critics living in the communities and running for office? Blaming them for the results of earlier multifaceted, structured, and coordinated, efforts driven by social engineers such as boards of realtors, banks, and the government to geographically contain black people. Black folk packed up and shipped off from neighborhoods into "The Projects". The name is the same all over the country. You know what and where it is around you without ever having been there. In favor of urban renewal with shopping, theater, and parks. And Starbucks (we're 5-7 minutes from Neiman Marcus and Tiffany et al, they have a Starbucks. We're also a couple blocks from a long major road. But there's not one SB in our area or on that road for miles. There's "low income, subsidized, housing" near by = no SB.) Imagine a long-distance telephone conversation. "How is she doing? Where is she now? I haven't seen her in years!" Answer, "Oh, she's okay. She lives in the Projects with her 3 kids." It's a heavy word. Not one of promise or opportunity. Details don't matter anymore. (what's the neighborhood like? good schools? what's her house like? she's such a great cook, I bet her kitchen is something? she lives to garden, no doubt she has one?)
Kenneth Clark saw government policy as contributing to the continued existence of black ghettos.
Have you heard of the doll experiments? Conducted by Columbia-educated psychologist and black intellectual Kenneth Clark in the 1940s, the experiments produced an unsettling finding: black children preferred white dolls to black dolls. Clark used this finding to bolster his argument that segregation...

Donald Trump Is Rush-Shipping Condolences to Military Families

I'm not 'out to get' PT. I've been waiting for him to perform his, or any, duties with integrity. I believe in respecting the office the President. He makes it impossible. White House scrambled to get lists and info of fallen military heroes right after PT's claim to have contacted all, more, most families. This is so disturbing, callused, and disingenuous. That this has occurred in the sacred context of our most valuable citizens that have sacrificed EVERYTHING that they had to offer is painful. Literally. These are especially cruel times.
Donald Trump Is Rush-Shipping Condolences to Military Families
Four families of fallen servicemembers received next-day UPS letters from President Trump after a turbulent week in which Trump falsely claimed he had called “virtually all” of the families.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

[GUIDE] Convert /data to f2fs with TWRP 2.8.+ [TF700T]

Posting to keep this info. Asus tablet update data I don't have the time for right now. Bookmark.
[GUIDE] Convert /data to f2fs with TWRP 2.8.+ [TF700T]
Prerequisites: You need to be on the bootloader You need to know how to flash a recovery Some background reading on f2fs: Step 1: Backup all…

Cultural Appropriation of Hoop Earrings from Whom?!

I've had enough of the latest, divisive, fad.
Cultural Appropriation of Hoop Earrings from Whom?!
I was listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast and heard something absurd. Again. There is some current outrage about white women ‘cultural appropriation’ of hoop earrings. What? His…

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Listen to ‘The Daily’: Rex Tillerson’s State Department

Podcast. Must hear. Promise it's interesting. Asinine: The State Dept (foreign diplomats' dept) many catastrophic changes under Tillerson - NO references to the Obama admin or policies allowed in any form, including in training (school). Trump's powerpoint lesson to inform him why we have a presence around the world, like military bases, diplomats, and troops and stuff. We have the Napoleon Dynamite of Presidents.
Listen to ‘The Daily’: Rex Tillerson’s State Department
In just a few months, the secretary of state has fired or driven out many of the country’s most experienced diplomats.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Nobel Astrophysicist, Birthday!

Described as a “child prodigy” and hailed as the first astrophysicist to win a Nobel Prize for his theory on the evolution of stars, Diwali on Thursday would have been Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar’s […]

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Nobel Astrophysicist, Birthday!

Described as a “child prodigy” and hailed as the first astrophysicist to win a Nobel Prize for his theory on the evolution of stars, Diwali on Thursday would have been Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar’s […]

from WordPress

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Nobel Astrophysicist, Birthday!

Described as a “child prodigy” and hailed as the first astrophysicist to win a Nobel Prize for his theory on the evolution of stars, Diwali on Thursday would have been Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar’s […]

10 Things to Know for Today

AP morning news brief. What doea Trump have evade, explain , or ignore today?
10 Things to Know for Today
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today: 1. TOURISTS NOW QUESTIONING INVISIBLE ATTACKS IN CUBA

Monday, October 16, 2017

Donate Used Books in Austin

Time to seriously cull books. Sniff. Man, have I got some books for these folks... except for LGB et al and Spanish. Needed: LGBTQ Dictionaries (our most popular request!) African American Studies Pulp Fiction - Thrillers, Fantasy, Westerns, and Sci-Fi Graphic Novels Books in Spanish Trade Books + How To Manuals - Plumbing, Woodwork, Electrical Repair, etc. Science and Math Textbooks ESL - English as a Second Language Test Prep Books - GED/SAT and Similar Black / African American Literature Latino Studies (Esp. Mexican History) Native American tribes (esp. Aztec and Mayan) Games + Puzzles Humor Yoga + Fitness Psychology and Philosophy Writing + Grammar Resources
Donate Used Books in Austin
Donate gently used books in Austin. Sent free to prisoners in Texas.

Happy 242nd US Navy, 220th USS Constitution

It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious. — George […]

Happy 242nd US Navy, 220th USS Constitution

It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious. — George […]

from WordPress

Happy 242nd US Navy, 220th USS Constitution

It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious. — George […]

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Pope Francis is reshaping what it means to be 'pro-life'

"The death penalty, Francis explained during an important speech in the Vatican on Wednesday, is “contrary to the Gospel, because it entails the willful suppression of a human life that never ceases to be sacred in the eyes of its Creator.” This is consistent with a pro-life stance.
Pope Francis is reshaping what it means to be 'pro-life'
VATICAN CITY - When Pope Francis visited the United States two years ago, he spoke out against the death penalty in speeches to Congress and the United Nations . This week he went a step...

Fareed Zakaria GPS: Hillary Clinton - CNN Video

Boo! Go away, far away. She offers little that is new or insightful. She's so difficult to listen to. Drones. "Candid" means snarky. Making some more moolah with her blah blah. I'll pass on this episode of my fave TV show. "What Happened?" Your political machine didn't work. Needed something more to focus on than being a woman. People don't care for you. You lost, now we have Trump. Thanks Hil!
Fareed Zakaria GPS: Hillary Clinton - CNN Video
Hillary Clinton shares with CNN's Fareed Zakaria, her candid assessment of America's place in the world and her 2016 election loss. Fareed Zakaria GPS airs Sunday at 10 A.M.

Seeking Solitude in Japan’s Mountain Monasteries

Oh what?! Awesome!! "For $80 to $150 per night, per person, you can sleep on a tatami mat on the floor of a traditional guest room in a 1,000-year-old temple, eat the monks’ traditional vegan fare, and participate in the daily meditation and prayer. A few of the temples advertise amenities like sutra writing classes, views of monks raking the gardens below, or natural hot springs to bathe in..."
Seeking Solitude in Japan’s Mountain Monasteries
THE MOUNTAIN IS DOTTED with a total of 52 shukubo, temples that historically offered overnight lodging to pilgrims. Most of these have also begun to welcome non-pilgrim tourists in recent decades (…

Jesner v Arab Bank: corporate liability under the Alien Tort Statute? | JD Supra

Grande finale...I only read this because I did not understand the headline on any level but it shows up in "stuff I'm interested in". Great piece! "All eyes are once again on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) as it turns its attention to the application of the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) to companies accused of complicity in human rights violations committed abroad." Honestly, it's very interesting! It will be a potentially huge ruling with global ramifications. Victims of Palestinian suicide attacks are trying to sue a bank for funding financial support for families of the bombers. Can a company be liable for actions beyond "international norms" like tortue or terrorism as opposed local domestic laws - which are not likely in the scope of such matters? Or something like that. :)
Jesner v Arab Bank: corporate liability under the Alien Tort Statute? | JD Supra
All eyes are once again on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) as it turns its attention to the application of the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) to companies accused of complicity in...

Withdrawal characterizes Trump view of U.S. role in world: Council on Foreign Relations head

"The Withdrawal Doctrine" - Richard Haas We've had the Monroe Doctrine and many other presidential themes. Now we have a new one freshly minted for Trump. So perfect. We can consolidate the method how to lose a leadership position of power and influence - lose opportunities for investments for and directing of research, innovation, future technology, energy, etc - to boost China's leadership role on multiple levels as they step up to the task - into one phrase. So weak and lame. How did this guy get to THE mic, the one in front of George Washington's White House portrait? I tried to give him a chance. Despite idiotic statements on white supremacy, this inane mindset is the deal-breaker. He can't devise a real plan or strategy, likely bores him, so like everything and everyone else he can't manhandle he destroys it and dumps it on the side of the road.
Withdrawal characterizes Trump view of U.S. role in world: Council on Foreign Relations head
Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, believes he’s hit on a term that captures the Trump weltanschaaung, à la the Monroe or Truman doctrine.

USS Constitution to Set Sail to Commemorate Anniversaries

OMG!!! Would love to experience gun salutes this old boy fires - "Old Ironsides". Must be spectacular! This journey will commemorate the founding of the Navy 242 yrs ago and the launch of this mighty vessel 220 yrs ago. "The world's oldest commissioned warship will set sail from Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston on Oct. 20. The wooden ship will travel to Fort Independence on Castle Island, where it will fire a 21-gun salute. An additional 17-gun salute will be fired as the ship passes the U.S. Coast Guard station, the former site of the shipyard where the Constitution was built and launched in 1797." - article
USS Constitution to Set Sail to Commemorate Anniversaries
The USS Constitution is about to set sail for the first time in three years to celebrate the Navy's birthday.

Space Radiation Won't Stop NASA's Human Exploration

How can you not love NASA?! NASA is our only surviving beacon of hope for a nation full of bitter and outraged cattle. Regardless of the many dangers of space radiation that can rip apart everything including metal, penetrate and alter DNA, and disrupt cellular processes, NASA remains confident of manned Mars missions... "Some people think that radiation will keep NASA from sending people to Mars, but that's not the current situation," said, Pat Troutman, NASA Human Exploration Strategic Analysis Lead. "When we add the various mitigation techniques up, we are optimistic it will lead to a successful Mars mission with a healthy crew that will live a very long and productive life after they return to Earth." That guy did not read this article. "challenge" is an understatement of epic proportion.
Space Radiation Won't Stop NASA's Human Exploration
While it's true that space radiation is one of the biggest challenges for a human journey to Mars, it's also true that NASA is developing technologies and countermeasures to ensure a safe and successful journey to the red planet.

School district removes 'To Kill a Mockingbird' from reading lists for the most alarming reason

"...makes people uncomfortable...". Thus we will never learn to process, discuss, and cope, with things outside our acceptance. Rare public statement from Harper Lee years ago: "Surely it is plain to the simplest intelligence that To Kill a Mockingbird spells out in words of seldom more than two syllables a code of honor and conduct, Christian in its ethic, that is the heritage of all Southerners. To hear that the novel is 'immoral' has made me count the years between now and 1984, for I have yet to come across a better example of doublethink," Lee wrote at the time, ending on a reference to George Orwell's famous dystopian novel. -article
School district removes 'To Kill a Mockingbird' from reading lists for the most alarming reason
'There is some language in the book that makes people uncomfortable, and we can teach the same lesson with other books.'

Major gravitational waves announcement expected – but what will it be? (POLL)

Einstein remains relevant as another of his theories predicted what has become a reality for science for the first time in 2016. Further supporting his theory of relativity. Exciting!
Major gravitational waves announcement expected – but what will it be? (POLL)
Scientists are set to reveal details of their latest gravitational waves discovery on Monday in an announcement that is shrouded in mystery.

Women Around the World: This Week

Cool! Worthy news.
Women Around the World: This Week
Welcome to “Women Around the World: This Week,” a series that highlights noteworthy news related to women and U.S. foreign policy. This week’s post, covering October 6 to October 13, was compiled with support from Becky Allen and Anne Connell.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

‘Walden’ Wasn’t Thoreau’s Masterpiece

For Aaron Lisec - who fills me with delight to know one who will appreciate this special piece. It's powerful, an illustrative indirectly political and meaningful lesson without an ugly antagonistic tone. After he left Walden Pond, he took routinely daily walks with scraps of papers for notes, a stick to measure, collecting samples, observing and recording, pressing leaves and things in note books - all while writing about the marvels of it all. A beautiful balance between recording the dry process of data and the boundless wonder for nature. To be truly in tune with the environment, to know it and love it fully. There are links to read what is available from the journals online - free! "Thoreau’s real masterpiece is not Walden but the 2-million-word journal that he kept until six months before he died. Its continuing relevance lies in the vivid spectacle of a man wrestling with tensions that still confound us. The journal illustrates his almost daily balancing act between recording scrupulous observations of nature and expressing sheer joy at the beauty of it all. "
‘Walden’ Wasn’t Thoreau’s Masterpiece
In his 2-million-word journal, the transcendentalist discovered how to balance poetic wonder and scientific rigor as he explored the natural world.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Kaiju Godzilla T-shirt

KAIJU?! I want any t-shirt that says that! Love kaiju.
Kaiju Godzilla T-shirt
- This is a must-have in any true Godzilla fan's collection.- Guaranteed safe & secured checkout via Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, Amex & Apple Pay.- 100% M

Friday, October 6, 2017

Kaleidoscopic Installation Lets Visitors Experience What It’s Like to Step Inside a Diamond

There's a video at the end of the article. SO COOL!!! This is magical. Rhonda, for you think crystal. Wish we could do this.
Kaleidoscopic Installation Lets Visitors Experience What It’s Like to Step Inside a Diamond
XEX’s Prismverse art installation dazzles audiences with a kaleidoscopic audiovisual experience inspired by brilliant cut diamonds.

NASA becomes operational, October 1, 1958

I'd celebrate this with my sister Renee. "NASA's stated vision is: To reach for new heights and reveal the unknown so that what we do and learn will benefit all humankind". Contrary to what Pres.Trump announced: to monetize and weaponize space. It will happen ideally without NASA.
NASA becomes operational, October 1, 1958
NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration ) began managing the United States space exploration program on October 1, 1958. NASA's stated vision is: To reach for new heights and...