Saturday, September 23, 2017

Does Public Radio Have a Diversity Problem? (14 min)

This piece got me thinking...I haven't listened to NPR All Things Considered, etc for years now. (Nor CNN, MSNBC, etc) Not for my daily news fix. I do go to the NPR site or links to choose from awesome content to read or listen to in isolated bits. I do have immense appreciation and respect for NPR. NPR has compelling and brilliant storytellers with engaging FM voices but the presentation is emotionally exhausting, too manipulative for me. I'm a weeny. In general, I feel manipulated because to be fully engaged I am made to feel empathic, choose the proper side, get upset about some social injustice (...or worse) be uplifted, etc by a personal struggle - both are fairly tedious for my news junky mindset. And boring. My mind works that way anyway. Plus, I don't enjoy being part of a choir being 'fed'. It may be unfounded, but that's how it feels. More objectively, there is NO question about the stellar reputation of NPR content, the quality and factual integrity. But it's a unified voice. I know where the vantage point will be on any given feature or topic. How the story will be told. More akin to informative editorials than news because of how and what they choose to present, or not, and how opposing views are presented - there are certainly no 'other' voices or 'opposing' view points on staff. So the "public" doesn't seem well represented and therefore less interesting. Not exactly sure how to say what I mean there. A preferred source? CSPAN! Which I don't have tv access to again yet. Epic web site. Unadulterated, unedited, in context, primary sources via talks, speeches, and interviews. When there's a political speech to catch, always CSPAN - no talking heads telling me watch to listen for or tell me what I heard. Makes a tremendous difference, time to process, before I listen to reactions. Chatting, not ranting from me. Just some thoughts.
Does Public Radio Have a Diversity Problem? (14 min)
Does public radio have a diversity problem? Jon Caldara, president of Colorado's Independence Institute, believes it does.

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