Sunday, June 25, 2017 Create a website or blog

Think fast! I need a domain name for my personal sites to replace I'm not good at it. My site main name is "Field Grass", because I couldn't think of anything else. I could use that, "". Too nice for my taste. No edge. I thought "" but that's arrogant. Eric came up with "" but that seems negative, because he said it. But I kind of like it. I thought, "" the best of both? No idea. Maybe "". It's all collections of things I find and want to keep for my own use about tech, art, history, social, and for documenting my projects like my WordPress website work and Renee's site. Notebooks. No one visits my sites except me. I do have followers for the blogs on
Source: Create a website or blog
Create a website or easily build a blog on Hundreds of free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and support.

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