Friday, June 16, 2017

Amazon to Buy Whole Foods in $13.4 Billion Deal (The New York Times)

Ha ha ha!!!! The Starbucks of food, Whole Foods, gets it's comeuppance. It represents (but isn't) so much of what is wrong about food in this country. The best quality, oversight, and nutrition, are available for the right people, at the right price, in the right neighbourhoods. What started as a wholesome and humble concept in became an über-picky, annoying, snooty, costly, affair - like what Starbucks did to many syllables can it take to get a cofffee or a chicken? "I want a double, soymilk, iced, frap..." "I want a grain fed, free range, hormone free, organic...". My Whole Foods experiences have been unpleasant - full of lots of overly serious, self-consumed, folks like me...but less friendly. AMAZON the equalizer?
Amazon to Buy Whole Foods in $13.4 Billion Deal (The New York Times)
The deal is the online giant’s latest push into food retail.

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