Sunday, June 11, 2017

Naomi Klein: ‘Trump is an idiot, but don’t underestimate how good he is at that’

BINGO! “I think he is a showman and that he is aware of the way that shows can distract people,” she says. “That is the story of his business. He has always understood that he could distract his investors and bankers, his tenants, his clients from the underlying unsoundness of his business, just by putting on the Trump show. That is the core of Trump. He is undoubtedly an idiot, but do not underestimate how good he is at that.” We are hit by an endless litany of shock and awe daily caught up in reacting to it while destructive policies are enacted. However, what she didn't mention that I saw, was that Trump's appointees of destruction - his cabinet - were specifically chosen to dismantle things he was critical of during the campaign, which is in truth is to destroy Obama's entire legacy. People are stupid for supporting overly simplistic solutions presented by a wildly uninformed simpleton without seriously looking at the wider consequences. And now they find their own lives impacted by destruction of things they actually depend Obamacare....the protections provided by government regulations that try to limit corporate greed in favor of things like a healthy ecosystem to protect limited resources like land, air, and goes on. The article is about an 'important' new book by a 'star' of the left (who has warned of a Trump-like phenomenon for years, pre Facebook etc) - with accolades from Chomsky, et al. I plan to check it out, possibly read it myself. The article itself is a recommended read.
Naomi Klein: ‘Trump is an idiot, but don’t underestimate how good he is at that’
The US has a president who embodies many of the things Naomi Klein has been warning about for years. She says her new book had to be written before things got worse

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