Thursday, June 29, 2017

An Emmett Till Marker on the Mississippi Freedom Trail Was Vandalized

Trump Effect. Angry mob rule legitimizes and emboldens the weak-minded.
An Emmett Till Marker on the Mississippi Freedom Trail Was Vandalized
The sign is missing panels that had pictures of Till

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Langston Hughes Creates a List of His 100 Favorite Jazz Recordings: Hear 80+ of Them in a Big Playlist

A true treasure! A great way for me to explore Jazz and find old Negro folk tunes.
Langston Hughes Creates a List of His 100 Favorite Jazz Recordings: Hear 80+ of Them in a Big Playlist
See Langston Hughes' list, 100 of My Favorite Recordings of Jazz, Blues, Folk Songs, and Jazz-Influenced Performances. Create a website or blog

Think fast! I need a domain name for my personal sites to replace I'm not good at it. My site main name is "Field Grass", because I couldn't think of anything else. I could use that, "". Too nice for my taste. No edge. I thought "" but that's arrogant. Eric came up with "" but that seems negative, because he said it. But I kind of like it. I thought, "" the best of both? No idea. Maybe "". It's all collections of things I find and want to keep for my own use about tech, art, history, social, and for documenting my projects like my WordPress website work and Renee's site. Notebooks. No one visits my sites except me. I do have followers for the blogs on
Source: Create a website or blog
Create a website or easily build a blog on Hundreds of free, customizable, mobile-ready designs and themes. Free hosting and support.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Etiquette Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making

#6 I learned soup eating from watching the 3 Stooges at formal dinner parties, not the Stooges but everyone else.
The Etiquette Mistakes You Didn't Know You Were Making
Etiquette expert Myka Meier outlines the 10 bad habits you need to break asap.You may think your manners are on point, but you could be making a gaffe without even knowing it. Just in time for peak wedding season and a social calendar full of summer dinner parties, etiquette expert Myka Meier outlin...

7 Influential African Empires

7 Influential African Empires
The Kingdom of KushMeroë is an ancient city on the east bank of the Nile app. 200 km north-east of Khartoum, Sudan. (Credit: Yannick Tylle/Getty Images)Though often overshadowed by its Egyptian neighbors to the north, the Kingdom of Kush stood as a regional power in Africa for over a thousand years.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Fast Times at Ridgemont High In Theaters | Fathom Events

When I went to the website Victoria B. Bernard Mba showed me to check out TCM big screen classic movies events - to see what epic films I could catch in the theater, the first thing I saw was this...not a "classic" I'd ever hope for. Though Sean Penn is incredible in this film.
Fast Times at Ridgemont High In Theaters | Fathom Events
Sean Penn stars as the unforgettable Jeff Spicoli in the film that defined the outrageous and bold 1980s teen comedy genre. Go back to school with exclusive commentary from TCM Host Ben Mankiewicz, who will give insight into this classic film.

Classical Musicians Everywhere

Cool find! Thanks Kim St. Onge
Classical Musicians Everywhere
Nina Simone performs a bach- style fugue amidst ‘Love Me Or Leave Me’

In Flint Water Crisis, Could Involuntary Manslaughter Charges Actually Lead to Prison Time?

WOW. Stunning, satisfying, and legally monumental. Kudos to the Michigan prosecutor! My new hero. "Last week, Michigan’s top prosecutor announced that five officials, including the state’s Health Department head Nick Lyon, will face charges of involuntary manslaughter for a death resulting from the Flint water crisis." "It’s a move virtually unheard of in modern American history; legal experts couldn’t point to a single case in which government officials were charged in a citizen’s death because they knew about a problem but failed to warn the public. "
In Flint Water Crisis, Could Involuntary Manslaughter Charges Actually Lead to Prison Time?
Prosecutors will try to prove five Michigan officials were responsible for a Legionnaires’ death because they knew about the problem, but failed to warn the public. Similar cases of environmental disasters have not resulted in convictions, but there are reasons Flint could break the mold.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Mattel unveils diverse line of Ken dolls

"If you needed another reason to believe the apocalypse is imminent—assuming you missed the news that it's too hot in Arizona for airplanes to take off and avocados are so expensive people are actually stealing them—Ken has a man bun now." - Man bun?! Gads. Only Samuri Ken should sport a man bun. I've always HATED Ken. Ever the colossal dork, I didn't think Ken could get more lame - yet he has. Even tho he's shorter then Barbie, GI Joe was the man. GI Joe dressed better than Ken too.
Mattel unveils diverse line of Ken dolls
Mattel is introducing a line of Ken dolls featuring three body types, seven skin tones and different hairstyles, including the trendy man bun.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Ford moves Ford Focus production to China - BBC News

Under "pressure" from Trump they canceled the plan to build in Mexico. Instead they'll save $500M by building it in China. Somehow I didn't and don't think such monumental plans can turn on a dime. Just a big fake out. Suckers!
Ford moves Ford Focus production to China - BBC News
The carmaker had planned to build the Focus in Mexico, but cancelled plans for a new factory after pressure from Donald Trump.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) | Fandango

I purchased tickets for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan on Fandango!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) | Fandango
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan movie info - movie times, trailers, reviews, tickets, actors and more on Fandango.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Artist Carves Everyday Foods into Exquisitely Patterned Masterpieces

Insanity. Incredible.
Artist Carves Everyday Foods into Exquisitely Patterned Masterpieces
Daniele Barresi crafts amazing food art carving that looks too good to eat. Each is intricately detailed, transcending from everyday object into sculpture.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Brewing Viking beer - with stones -

Huh? "There's nothing archaeologists like better than piles of centuries-old rubbish. Ancient bones and stones from trash heaps can tell complex stories. And in central Norway, at least, the story seems to be that Vikings and their descendants brewed beer by tossing hot rocks into wooden kettles."
Brewing Viking beer - with stones -
By Nancy Bazilchuk When archaeologist Geir Grønnesby dug test pits at 24 different farms in central Norway , he nearly always found thick layers of fire-cracked stones dating from the...

Italia - Brasile 1982

Thanks Henrik Madsen!!! I-ta-lia! One of my fondest memories of Rome. I was on a late bus in Rome trying to get home, to the countryside. Clueless. (Italy was playing the epic Brazil for the 1982 World Cup - in Spain. In which Italy ultimately prevailed.) EVERYONE in Rome was glued to a tv or radio on the streets, in open second story windows, on the sidewalks, in shops, everywhere. Then suddenly the earth moved: a collective roar, a sea of people streamed out from everywhere screaming and packed the streets full of blissful bodies in swirling motion! People, many in Italian flags as capes and other articles of clothing, dancing in every fountain. The bus could barely move forward. The bus driver left the door open as we stopped or crept down the street so he could talk, celebrate, with people on the sidewalk who strode along the bus. Someone jumped onto the bus with a jug of red wine to share with the driver. Who did drink wine with great cheer and chatter. Magical. And an extremely long bus ride to get out of Rome. Had I not been 18 or 19 years old, broke, and unable to get home, I would have leapt off the bus and joined the party. Rats! I remember that Partini (?) was president of Italy then. A kinda little old man, I recall. I watched a replay on TV. He was at the game in Spain when Italy won the World Cup. He stood up, very straight back and neck, above the audience, smiled and waved to all around him full circle in victory - with a peculiar wave. Hard to describe - like Queen Elizabeth's tight fingered, palm facing back, swirling elbow wave... but his wrist didn't flex. All very poised. Looked like a proud ultimate tell off. It looked hilarious to me. What really happened? I'd have to look, that's all from my memory of about 35 years ago.
Italia - Brasile 1982

Amazon to Buy Whole Foods in $13.4 Billion Deal (The New York Times)

Ha ha ha!!!! The Starbucks of food, Whole Foods, gets it's comeuppance. It represents (but isn't) so much of what is wrong about food in this country. The best quality, oversight, and nutrition, are available for the right people, at the right price, in the right neighbourhoods. What started as a wholesome and humble concept in became an über-picky, annoying, snooty, costly, affair - like what Starbucks did to many syllables can it take to get a cofffee or a chicken? "I want a double, soymilk, iced, frap..." "I want a grain fed, free range, hormone free, organic...". My Whole Foods experiences have been unpleasant - full of lots of overly serious, self-consumed, folks like me...but less friendly. AMAZON the equalizer?
Amazon to Buy Whole Foods in $13.4 Billion Deal (The New York Times)
The deal is the online giant’s latest push into food retail.

3 Tips for Preserving Fresh Basil All Year Long

3 Tips for Preserving Fresh Basil All Year Long
New York City isn't exactly the ideal place for planting a vegetable garden

The Herb You've Been Growing All Wrong

There's no such thing as "enough basil" in my life since I was introduced to pesto. I can kill a substantial plant in one meal. So I'll need to grow lots!
The Herb You've Been Growing All Wrong
Stop spending money on those kits or at the grocery store — this is one thing you should be growing on your own.

Monday, June 12, 2017

A Look Inside James Baldwin’s 1,884 Page FBI File

Bookmark. Need to scope this.
A Look Inside James Baldwin’s 1,884 Page FBI File
Baldwin and His “Aliases” June 1964 Baldwin was “Jimmy” to most of his friends and to himself as well when he meditated on the various aspects of his personality. The numerous “stranger…

Wonder Woman - Tina Guo

WOW!!!! The cellist who does the Wonder Woman theme, plays with Hans Zimmer I'm quite sure - CRAZY VIDEO. A real Wonder Woman?
Wonder Woman - Tina Guo
iTunes: Apple Music: Spotify: Listen to my official Spotify pla...

Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibition at MoMA Celebrates the Architect's 150th Birthday

Yeah. Would love to see this!
Frank Lloyd Wright Exhibition at MoMA Celebrates the Architect's 150th Birthday
The new Frank Lloyd Wright exhibition at MoMA, Frank Lloyd Wright at 150: Unpacking the Archive, celebrations his 150th birthday.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Naomi Klein to rush out new book taking on Trump administration

"Naomi Klein has revealed she is to publish a book taking on the Trump administration, arguing that a corporate political takeover got him elected and that a rise in activism can be utilised to resist his policies."
Naomi Klein to rush out new book taking on Trump administration
Canadian activist, who only began writing No is Not Enough two months ago, says book will put forward manifesto for action

Naomi Klein: ‘Trump is an idiot, but don’t underestimate how good he is at that’

BINGO! “I think he is a showman and that he is aware of the way that shows can distract people,” she says. “That is the story of his business. He has always understood that he could distract his investors and bankers, his tenants, his clients from the underlying unsoundness of his business, just by putting on the Trump show. That is the core of Trump. He is undoubtedly an idiot, but do not underestimate how good he is at that.” We are hit by an endless litany of shock and awe daily caught up in reacting to it while destructive policies are enacted. However, what she didn't mention that I saw, was that Trump's appointees of destruction - his cabinet - were specifically chosen to dismantle things he was critical of during the campaign, which is in truth is to destroy Obama's entire legacy. People are stupid for supporting overly simplistic solutions presented by a wildly uninformed simpleton without seriously looking at the wider consequences. And now they find their own lives impacted by destruction of things they actually depend Obamacare....the protections provided by government regulations that try to limit corporate greed in favor of things like a healthy ecosystem to protect limited resources like land, air, and goes on. The article is about an 'important' new book by a 'star' of the left (who has warned of a Trump-like phenomenon for years, pre Facebook etc) - with accolades from Chomsky, et al. I plan to check it out, possibly read it myself. The article itself is a recommended read.
Naomi Klein: ‘Trump is an idiot, but don’t underestimate how good he is at that’
The US has a president who embodies many of the things Naomi Klein has been warning about for years. She says her new book had to be written before things got worse

Monday, June 5, 2017

Image: Being The President Is Stressful

President Obama aged exponentially during his 8 year term. Even though it's expected, it's quite stunning on him. He was and looked so young. (Trump will be a fossil, depending on how long he's in office.)
Image: Being The President Is Stressful
Found on Google from

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Trump Hands the Chinese a Gift: The Chance for Global Leadership

Exact!! What I've been saying for months - during his candidacy and on. China has and will gladly continue to step in. This allows China to become the preferred source for financing, technology, investments, and more for the entire world. Who wants to reward or invest in country that doesn't honor its commitments and rejects environmental issues and the future of a powerful growth industry? I guess Syria, Nicaragua, and some other tiny nation that isn't part of the Paris Agreement.
Trump Hands the Chinese a Gift: The Chance for Global Leadership
In quitting the Paris climate accord, President Trump creates a vacuum of global leadership that gives allies and adversaries the chance to reorder the world’s power structure.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Alien: Covenant: Trailer 2

My review. An easy watch. No trauma at all. #AlienCovenant
Alien: Covenant: Trailer 2
Watch Alien: Covenant movie trailers and video clips, interviews with cast members and more at Fandango.