Thursday, March 9, 2017


The clip is from Medical Center episode when Robert Reed (Brady Bunch Mike Brady, the dad.) played a man who underwent a sex change in the early 70's. Very heavy. I was so irritated about Bruce/Caitlin Jennar. So what?! And it's not "brave" if you're rich and famous - and all the rich and famous stars stand behind you. Except Brett Farve, ha ha ha!
Ooooh I so dislike Bruce Jenner repackaged as Caitlyn. It's an egocentric and self-serving course of action, it's not altruistic. Jeez people. He is rich enough ($100 million) and popular enough to do what he wanted. What exactly was the huge sacrifice? It was a big deal in the early 70's when Mr. Brady (rather the actor who played dad Brady on the Brady Bunch) starred on Medical Center - a weekly drama starring the dashing, perfect hair, Chad Everett as a surgeon. The character Mr. Brady played was a doctor who underwent a sex change. The entire process - hormone therapy et al. Rejection, confusion, all part of it. Great episode. Wel done. Blew my child mind - but I was invested in the character's well being. Very heavy stuff.

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