Thursday, March 30, 2017

Play with the numbers yourself to see why Trump is wrong about the cost of a border wall

Who's paying for that border wall?! Mexi-no. Oh right, we are. No matter what the funding source, debt or donation, it's a deficit that subtracts resources from the government. Yay. MIT analysis cost $40M. Nothing near the $9-$12M price tag Mr. Trump stands by. Necessary? Not so much. Statistically, the number of people returning south has increased while immigration to the US has decreased from Mexico border. A stronger Mexican economy has a much greater impact. "Trump might say it would be worth the cost since border crossings are out of control. However, because of several factors, including improvements in the Mexican economy and increases in Border Patrol staffing, fewer people are making the attempt. Officers caught 331,000 people crossing the Mexican border in fiscal 2015, less than one-fifth the number in 2000." - MIT technology review
Play with the numbers yourself to see why Trump is wrong about the cost of a border wall
Set aside the questions of whether it’s wise to put a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border or who should pay for it. It simply can’t be done at the price Donald Trump has claimed.

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