Thursday, March 9, 2017

Image: A Turkish official taunting starving Armenians with bread, 1915

I came to this photo by chance. DON'T turn away! It's so important to me. Apologies to all. This year I hope to attend a local annual remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. An invitation that I am extremely honoured to have been offered. Photo: children being taunted with a small piece of bread. "Genocide" is such a sterile word. "Lots of dead people". It is almost meaningless, too easy to deal with, until I see something like this. This photo is unbelievable to me, it's from 1915, the 20th century. It is during a horrific historic event that few of us know about, the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks. It touches me very closely. My dearest friend, one of my best students ever, is from Armenia. We celebrated her American citizenship last year. She taught me about this. This historic crime against humanity is a heavy, black, scar in the history of her nation and our world. This photo has crushed my heart with such pain, it seems difficult to breathe. There are so many other photos, also with children, and more. Also shocking, like nothing I've seen before. This is the only one I shall post, it caught me unprepared and shocked me to my soul. I am so sorry Ania. I love you my friend.
Image: A Turkish official taunting starving Armenians with bread, 1915
Found on Google from

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