Friday, March 31, 2017

Oxford shows a lack of philosophical diversity

True diversity cultivates a keen ear for variety found in both like and opposing beliefs, opinion, politics, and agendas. One of my biggest peaves of all time! 'Diversity' has become like Narcissis consumed by his own reflection in a pool in academia. Approval based on how like-minded you appear to be in the eyes your peers, the PC Thought Police - judges who look to rewrite history, right wrongs, elevate or destroy. Anything but listen and learn. "On the contemporary campus, ethnic, gender and sexual diversity is encouraged but diversity of opinion is under serious threat. Academics ought to take a stand for pluralism. Instead they commission portraits that are as politically correct as they are patronising. Patronising because many of the subjects are indeed hugely talented – and ought to be celebrated because of their achievements as gifted individuals, not because of any social identity that Oxford ascribes to them. This is indicative of an academy that has lost its way, that puts politics before scholarship."
Oxford shows a lack of philosophical diversity
Oxford University has commissioned 24 new portraits to advertise the diversity of its alumni and staff.

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