Friday, March 31, 2017

Click here to support R.A.C.E organized by Emily Cochran

I donated. Not much. I've lost so many, it's great to be on the other side of illness - hope.
Click here to support R.A.C.E organized by Emily Cochran
Hello, everyone. My name is Emily Cochran. I've started a GOFUNDME Campaign:R.A.C.E. (Remove bad cells, Alert good cells,Confine all good cells, and extinguish all bad premature cells)! I was diagnosed with cancer; AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) M2 in August 2015. I was hospitalized for several mon...

Click here to support R.A.C.E organized by Emily Cochran

Hey all! Meet another fab cousin. This little lady Emily Cochran is my dear cousin in Collinsville IL. She's a beautiful person and very ill. Fighting a good fight still able to smile and laugh thru pain and suffering. She needs our help to cover monumental medial costs. Ongoing. Continued years of intensive multiple, weekly, treatments after chemo, bone marrow transplant, and more. So shocking! I only remember her as a vibrant, shy, sweet, little girl - too young to play with us. She is the little sister of cousin Donald Cochran, Irene is her Mom. We connected last week via video chat on FB. Fantastic! Our healthcare system sucks, leaving gravely ill citizens to bear the load of insane medical costs on their own. Let's please help Emily. Just a little will do. It's the best investment you'll make in a long time to come. Bless you all who struggle and suffer - and bless us who are blessed with good health.
Click here to support R.A.C.E organized by Emily Cochran
Hello, everyone. My name is Emily Cochran. I've started a GOFUNDME Campaign:R.A.C.E. (Remove bad cells, Alert good cells,Confine all good cells, and extinguish all bad premature cells)! I was diagnosed with cancer; AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) M2 in August 2015. I was hospitalized for several mon...

Meditation's Calming Effects Pinpointed in Brain

Pretty cool! Prana yoga - breathing yoga. Mom, Barbara Bernard and Victoria B. Bernard Mba Informative article. "A new mouse study reveals a set of neurons that may point to physiological roots for the calming effects of breathing control"
Meditation's Calming Effects Pinpointed in Brain
A new mouse study reveals a set of neurons that may point to physiological roots for the calming effects of breathing control

Mysterious Cosmic Explosion Puzzles Astronomers

Mysterious Cosmic Explosion Puzzles Astronomers
A mysterious flash of X-rays has been discovered by NASA 's Chandra X-ray Observatory in the deepest X-ray image ever obtained. This source likely comes from some sort of destructive event, but...

U.S. priority on Syria no longer focused on 'getting Assad out': Haley

Mixed messages in Syrian ears. But Tillerson said, '... Let the Syrian people decide the fate of their country". The Syrian people have been trying and dying to do just that. That's The Syrian War. Caution on working with Russia Pres. Trump, Russia = Assad = Iranian regional power and influence. "McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Tillerson's statement "overlooks the tragic reality that the Syrian people cannot decide the fate of Assad or the future of their country when they are being slaughtered" by Assad's military, Russia's air force and Iranian-backed militias." "In addition, leaving Assad in power is "a great reward for Russia and Iran," (Senator Lindsey) Graham said. Source: .
U.S. priority on Syria no longer focused on 'getting Assad out': Haley
The United States is no longer making removing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power a focus of its policy in the war-torn country, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said on Thursday, in a departure from the Obama administration's initial stance on Assad's fate.

Oxford shows a lack of philosophical diversity

True diversity cultivates a keen ear for variety found in both like and opposing beliefs, opinion, politics, and agendas. One of my biggest peaves of all time! 'Diversity' has become like Narcissis consumed by his own reflection in a pool in academia. Approval based on how like-minded you appear to be in the eyes your peers, the PC Thought Police - judges who look to rewrite history, right wrongs, elevate or destroy. Anything but listen and learn. "On the contemporary campus, ethnic, gender and sexual diversity is encouraged but diversity of opinion is under serious threat. Academics ought to take a stand for pluralism. Instead they commission portraits that are as politically correct as they are patronising. Patronising because many of the subjects are indeed hugely talented – and ought to be celebrated because of their achievements as gifted individuals, not because of any social identity that Oxford ascribes to them. This is indicative of an academy that has lost its way, that puts politics before scholarship."
Oxford shows a lack of philosophical diversity
Oxford University has commissioned 24 new portraits to advertise the diversity of its alumni and staff.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Play with the numbers yourself to see why Trump is wrong about the cost of a border wall

Who's paying for that border wall?! Mexi-no. Oh right, we are. No matter what the funding source, debt or donation, it's a deficit that subtracts resources from the government. Yay. MIT analysis cost $40M. Nothing near the $9-$12M price tag Mr. Trump stands by. Necessary? Not so much. Statistically, the number of people returning south has increased while immigration to the US has decreased from Mexico border. A stronger Mexican economy has a much greater impact. "Trump might say it would be worth the cost since border crossings are out of control. However, because of several factors, including improvements in the Mexican economy and increases in Border Patrol staffing, fewer people are making the attempt. Officers caught 331,000 people crossing the Mexican border in fiscal 2015, less than one-fifth the number in 2000." - MIT technology review
Play with the numbers yourself to see why Trump is wrong about the cost of a border wall
Set aside the questions of whether it’s wise to put a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border or who should pay for it. It simply can’t be done at the price Donald Trump has claimed.

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Secret Service Wanted A $60M Budget Increase To Protect The Trumps

They are an expensive lot to keep up with. Plus Trump Tower and Maralago - for diplomats and heads of state that visit. And golf.
The Secret Service Wanted A $60M Budget Increase To Protect The Trumps
But it's not clear how the budget compares to previous presidents' needs.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Want to understand what Trump and Bannon are up to? Look to the Russian Revolution of 1917

To Trump Voters: Lenin is a poor role model! This is inane, traitorous, so arrogant and wrong as a citizen and human being. "...the president’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has himself cited Lenin as an influence. Writer and historian Ronald Radosh wrote in the Daily Beast that Bannon approvingly told him in 2013, “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”
Want to understand what Trump and Bannon are up to? Look to the Russian Revolution of 1917
The parallels are eerie.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Rural Vets May See More Options for Telemedicine

Excellent! It's a super secure Skype like system to improve the quality of medical care with current technology for chronically ill vets in rural areas who need close medical attention, like HIV patients. "The goal is simple: keep talking to patients at all costs." "People with HIV, and especially veterans, need that continuity and care; they need that consistency," she said. "Not just in providers, but in a program. They need to know somebody's got their back -- they need to know they're not alone."
Rural Vets May See More Options for Telemedicine
The VA is researching how to improve the quality of care for veterans in rural areas with serious or chronic conditions.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Homage to Prince with Miles Davis

This is a Billboard article written by Natalie Weiner.  It is about the collaboration of two innovative icons of the music arts, Prince and one of his most powerful influences, Miles Davis.  Titans of talent and musical creativity.  A fitting piece in the wake of Prince’s untimely death.  Both represent huge losses to the music

Animated Short by Salvador Dali and Walt Disney

  Destino An animated collaboration between Salvador Dali and  Walt Disney.  1946.  

Mobile Theater | by Gordon Parks

The photograph was taken 2 years after the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling segregation is unconstitutional.  Gordon Parks was an outstanding, prolific, African American, photographer who captured the dark side of American society in technically brilliant photos in an essay for Life Magazine called Segregation Story. This is a great photo

Umberto Ecco Irreverent Guide to Writing a Thesis

A detailed review of “How to Write a Thesis” a book written by author and intellectual Umberto Ecco.  The book was originally published in Italian in 1977, pre-internet, so some technical info is outdated.  It was released in English last year, 2015.  It looks to be an excellent read.  I never made it to grad

Homage to Prince with Miles Davis

This is a Billboard article written by Natalie Weiner.  It is about the collaboration of two innovative icons of the music arts, Prince and one of his most powerful influences, Miles Davis.  Titans of talent and musical creativity.  A fitting piece in the wake of Prince’s untimely death.  Both represent huge losses to the music

from WordPress

Animated Short by Salvador Dali and Walt Disney

  Destino An animated collaboration between Salvador Dali and  Walt Disney.  1946.  

from WordPress

Mobile Theater | by Gordon Parks

The photograph was taken 2 years after the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling segregation is unconstitutional.  Gordon Parks was an outstanding, prolific, African American, photographer who captured the dark side of American society in technically brilliant photos in an essay for Life Magazine called Segregation Story. This is a great photo

from WordPress

Umberto Ecco Irreverent Guide to Writing a Thesis

A detailed review of “How to Write a Thesis” a book written by author and intellectual Umberto Ecco.  The book was originally published in Italian in 1977, pre-internet, so some technical info is outdated.  It was released in English last year, 2015.  It looks to be an excellent read.  I never made it to grad

from WordPress

Homage to Prince with Miles Davis

This is a Billboard article written by Natalie Weiner.  It is about the collaboration of two innovative icons of the music arts, Prince and one of his most powerful influences, Miles Davis.  Titans of talent and musical creativity.  A fitting piece in the wake of Prince’s untimely death.  Both represent huge losses to the music

Animated Short by Salvador Dali and Walt Disney

  Destino An animated collaboration between Salvador Dali and  Walt Disney.  1946.  

Mobile Theater | by Gordon Parks

The photograph was taken 2 years after the historic Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling segregation is unconstitutional.  Gordon Parks was an outstanding, prolific, African American, photographer who captured the dark side of American society in technically brilliant photos in an essay for Life Magazine called Segregation Story. This is a great photo

Umberto Ecco Irreverent Guide to Writing a Thesis

A detailed review of “How to Write a Thesis” a book written by author and intellectual Umberto Ecco.  The book was originally published in Italian in 1977, pre-internet, so some technical info is outdated.  It was released in English last year, 2015.  It looks to be an excellent read.  I never made it to grad

Sunday, March 19, 2017

NASA unveils incredible high-def image of layered Martian crater (PHOTO)

NASA so epic
NASA unveils incredible high-def image of layered Martian crater (PHOTO)
NASA has released an incredible high-definition image of the intricate layers of a Martian valley, providing further evidence of a once-flooded red planet.

Fellow rockers pay tribute to pioneer Chuck Berry

As they should. With lots of photos. Cheers! To an icon that helped create a music genre. RIP Chuck Berry.
Fellow rockers pay tribute to pioneer Chuck Berry
Fellow musicians pay tribute to legendary rock 'n' roll pioneer Chuck Berry, after he died aged 90.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

New Zealand river granted same legal rights as human being

Awesome! An ancestor, "The local Māori tribe of Whanganui in the North Island has fought for the recognition of their river – the third-largest in New Zealand – as an ancestor for 140 years."
New Zealand river granted same legal rights as human being
After 140 years of negotiation, Māori tribe wins recognition for Whanganui river, meaning it must be treated as a living...

Group of indigenous Bolivians have some of the healthiest hearts on Earth

For Mom
Group of indigenous Bolivians have some of the healthiest hearts on Earth
LONDON — Deep in the Bolivian Amazon lives a group of indigenous people who spend their days hunting and farming. Researchers say this may be partly why they have some of the healthiest...

Archbishop in Sicily bans mafia from being godfathers

Wha?! This won't be good.
Archbishop in Sicily bans mafia from being godfathers
An archbishop in Sicily has moved to reclaim the term 'godfather' from the mafia - by banning gangsters from taking the role at baptisms. Michele Pennisi, a vocal mafia critic, has his...

The Ecstasy of Gold ~ Susanna Rigacci ~ Ennio Morricone

WAIT. This version is even better.
The Ecstasy of Gold ~ Susanna Rigacci ~ Ennio Morricone
No copyright claim, against any audio or image content, is assumed in the publishing of this video. Copyright is owned by original artist or artists, or thei...

Ennio Morricone Live Ecstasy Of Gold w Susanna Rigacci

EPIC. You should listen, it's short and kick ass. (From The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - music composed by the great Ennio Morricone, who's conducting)
Ennio Morricone Live Ecstasy Of Gold w Susanna Rigacci
Great song, great singer and great conductor

Nancy Sinatra These Boots Are Made For Walking Scopitone

WHOA!! Watch the first 3 seconds...the shortest dresses I have EVER seen in my life. With go go boots no less. In kindergarten we danced EXACTLY like this...during the dance interlude. EPIC! And I still cannot dance any other way to this day. Thus I cannot dance, in public.
Nancy Sinatra These Boots Are Made For Walking Scopitone

Monday, March 13, 2017

Thank you, Susan B. Anthony! - Google Arts & Culture

Today is the anniversary of her death, learn about her life. "The legendary American civil rights leader is perhaps best known for her work on women's voting rights, but there is so much more to this amazing figure. Learn about her early life and influences, her work toward the abolition of slavery, her famous trial for voting in 1873, and the legacy which endures today."
Thank you, Susan B. Anthony! - Google Arts & Culture
Explore collections and stories from around the world with Google Arts & Culture.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The 1930s were humanity's darkest, bloodiest hour. Are you paying attention?

Insanity: "Darkness is good," says Bannon, "Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they" — I believe by "they" he means liberals and the media, "get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing." - from article below. The Trump Era "will be as exciting as the 1930s", Steve Bannon. WHAT?! Those who lived through that time would not describe it as 'exciting', as Prince Charles reminded us last week in a speech. It was a time of mass poverty, war, state terror, and fascism. Bannon knows that, he chose his words intentionally. Bannon shares viewpoints with Lenin, one in which the state is not reformed but rather it is destroyed - I cited the quotes before, and they both said that any idiot can run a government - also referenced. "Like [Andrew] Jackson's populism, we're going to build an entirely new political movement," he [Steve Bannon] says. "It's everything related to jobs. The conservatives are going to go crazy. I'm the guy pushing a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan. With negative interest rates throughout the world, it's the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything. Shipyards, ironworks, get them all jacked up. We're just going to throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks. It will be as exciting as the 1930s, greater than the Reagan revolution — conservatives, plus populists, in an economic nationalist movement." - from a different article referenced, with a link, in this article below:
The 1930s were humanity's darkest, bloodiest hour. Are you paying attention?
A decade haunted by mass poverty, violent extremism and world war gives us one crucial advantage: the chance to learn...

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Image: A Turkish official taunting starving Armenians with bread, 1915

I came to this photo by chance. DON'T turn away! It's so important to me. Apologies to all. This year I hope to attend a local annual remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. An invitation that I am extremely honoured to have been offered. Photo: children being taunted with a small piece of bread. "Genocide" is such a sterile word. "Lots of dead people". It is almost meaningless, too easy to deal with, until I see something like this. This photo is unbelievable to me, it's from 1915, the 20th century. It is during a horrific historic event that few of us know about, the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks. It touches me very closely. My dearest friend, one of my best students ever, is from Armenia. We celebrated her American citizenship last year. She taught me about this. This historic crime against humanity is a heavy, black, scar in the history of her nation and our world. This photo has crushed my heart with such pain, it seems difficult to breathe. There are so many other photos, also with children, and more. Also shocking, like nothing I've seen before. This is the only one I shall post, it caught me unprepared and shocked me to my soul. I am so sorry Ania. I love you my friend.
Image: A Turkish official taunting starving Armenians with bread, 1915
Found on Google from

Trump and Mussolini: The same, only different? Eleven key lessons from historical fascism

Lessons from history.
Trump and Mussolini: The same, only different? Eleven key lessons from historical fascism
Fascism is a religion. The 20th century will be known in history as the century of fascism. - Benito Mussolini I'd like to draw some comparisons and contrasts between our present...

Frida Kahlo: ¡Viva la vida! - Google Arts & Culture

Lupita Sanchez look at this on your tablet! Not on your phone. It is about Frida Kahlo and her life story. It has photos of her as a child. I think you will like it a lot! Frida Kahlo: ¡Viva la vida! - Google Arts & Culture
Frida Kahlo: ¡Viva la vida! - Google Arts & Culture
Explore collections and stories from around the world with Google Arts & Culture.

Monty Python

YES! So perfect so this Trump administration. I really needed this. Thanks Aaron Lisec! Aaron even provided the monologue, which I have copied into a notebook.
Monty Python
MP'sGTS: And the sketch is... "The Spanish Inquisition." You can watch our "Spanish Inquisition" compilation here:


The clip is from Medical Center episode when Robert Reed (Brady Bunch Mike Brady, the dad.) played a man who underwent a sex change in the early 70's. Very heavy. I was so irritated about Bruce/Caitlin Jennar. So what?! And it's not "brave" if you're rich and famous - and all the rich and famous stars stand behind you. Except Brett Farve, ha ha ha!
Ooooh I so dislike Bruce Jenner repackaged as Caitlyn. It's an egocentric and self-serving course of action, it's not altruistic. Jeez people. He is rich enough ($100 million) and popular enough to do what he wanted. What exactly was the huge sacrifice? It was a big deal in the early 70's when Mr. Brady (rather the actor who played dad Brady on the Brady Bunch) starred on Medical Center - a weekly drama starring the dashing, perfect hair, Chad Everett as a surgeon. The character Mr. Brady played was a doctor who underwent a sex change. The entire process - hormone therapy et al. Rejection, confusion, all part of it. Great episode. Wel done. Blew my child mind - but I was invested in the character's well being. Very heavy stuff.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ghana is 60: An African success story with tough challenges ahead

Black Africa’s first independent nation celebrated its 60th independence anniversary this week. A pioneer in many ways, Ghana was the first country in sub Saharan Africa to secure independence from Britain on March 6, 1957.
Ghana is 60: An African success story with tough challenges ahead
Black Africa’s first independent nation celebrated its 60th independence anniversary this week. A pioneer in many ways, Ghana was the...

Young girl stares down Wall Street's charging bull on International Women's Day

Young girl stares down Wall Street's charging bull on International Women's Day
Statue installed on International Women's Day as plea for US financial firms to employ more women at senior levels

Worried about the CIA hacking you? Your devices are already spying on you

Worried about the CIA hacking you? Your devices are already spying on you
That's the least of your worries. Your devices are already spying on you.

German socialist and women's rights activist Clara Zetkin (1857-1933)

German socialist and women's rights activist Clara Zetkin (1857-1933) Clara Zetkin campaigned for an international day to support women's rights.
German socialist and women's rights activist Clara Zetkin (1857-1933)
This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced.

600+ MOOCs Getting Started in March: Enroll Free Today

Free Ed! Huge selection including the best schools in the country.
600+ MOOCs Getting Started in March: Enroll Free Today
Heads up: This month, 600+ MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) will be getting underway, giving you the chance to take courses from top flight international universities, at no cost. With the help of Class Central, we’ve pulled together a complete list of March MOOCS.

50 Women Who Made American Political History

Abigail Smith Adams wife of John Adams cautions him about unlimited power "Remember all men would be tyrants if they could". She was far ahead of her time, read the blurb below. Then find more in the article. Abigail Adams (1744-1818) As wife to President John Adams, and her husband’s confidante and adviser, she opposed slavery and pushed for women’s rights and education. Her famous line “remember the ladies” was followed by urging her husband not to "put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could.” While her husband traveled on revolutionary and political duties, she took over and managed the family farm and business affairs. She was also mother to another President, John Quincy Adams, though she died before he attained the office.
50 Women Who Made American Political History
The history of women in American politics is just as long as that of the nation as a whole...

Is the ‘Day Without a Woman’ protest elitist?

Yes, as always, it is unwittingly elitist because taking unpaid time from work is a luxury poor women do not have and closed schools creates the need for child care.
Is the ‘Day Without a Woman’ protest elitist?
Some supporters of the new feminist movement are concerned that poor women cannot participate in Wednesday’s strike because they need the pay or fear losing their jobs.

Seneca on The Shortness of Time

Bam! Ouch! So me...
Seneca on The Shortness of Time
'A man who dares to waste an hour of time has not discovered the value of his life.' - Charles Darwin *** If we see someone throwing money away, we call that person crazy. This bothers us...

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Never underestimate a 10 pound Weiner dog. This is a small sample. Rain and Roham (the big puppy) are play time buddies of the highest order. Neither has slept yet. Though we have showed down.

Dog sitting for the neighbor's new puppy! He and Rain are having big fun! Rain, my dog, is the dachshund.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Ben Carson: Slaves Were Immigrants Who Came Here And Worked Really Hard 'For Less'

I am speechless. "...immigrants who worked hard for less."
Ben Carson: Slaves Were Immigrants Who Came Here And Worked Really Hard 'For Less'
πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”

Police shootings 2017 database

This is an excellent resource! It tracks the year to date fatal civilian shootings by a police officer nationwide and a sentence describing the incident. Searchable, user friendly, nothing to learn no tech, just look and hit buttons.
Police shootings 2017 database
Since 2015, The Post has created a database cataloging every fatal shooting nationwide by a police officer in the line of duty.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Thank you Pew. Yes, "meaningful dialog starts with facts". New pod cast! Short but sweet.
The Pew Charitable Trusts
If you believe meaningful dialogue begins with the facts, you’ve come to the right place.

The Muppet Show Theme (Season One)

More tv memories of Denmark πŸ‡©πŸ‡°. Despite very late nights and many festive beverages, I awoke every morning in Copenhagen hours before everyone else. So I watched a bit of tv, always The Muppet Show at 7am! In Norwegian I think, it wasn't Danish. The Swedish Chef was especially funny. It was so great! And again, I didn't understand a word.
The Muppet Show Theme (Season One) The Muppet Show Theme (Season One)

Victor Borge - Wikipedia

Thinking about Victor Borge. One of the highlights in my life was catching him by chance on Danish tv when I was in Odense, Denmark πŸ‡©πŸ‡°. He was at the piano, of course, but doing his gags in Danish. Wonderful! Why wonderful? First because it's Victor Borge! And second because I was killing time alone at Henrik Madsen's parent's place and it was never easy to find something to watch on Danish tv. Didn't understand any of it, but it was fun!
Victor Borge - Wikipedia
), was a Danish and American comedian, conductor, and pianist who achieved great popularity in radio and television in the

The New One-Armed Swordman - Final Bridge Fight

Looking forward to seeing this scene again!
The New One-Armed Swordman - Final Bridge Fight
The amazing final of this Shaw Brothers flick.

The New One Armed Swordsman 1971

Eric has the tv! πŸ˜…
The New One Armed Swordsman 1971
The New One Armed Swordsman 1971 Lei Li lost his right-arm in a sword duel with the master of a martial arts school, long ago. Now, he is able to defend hims...

The Reckoning: From Obama to Trump - Empire

Geez! πŸ€πŸ€‘Do I have or enjoy: access to my family, food, drinkable water, shelter, information, laws, services, security, education, protection, free speech, shoes, due process, and coffee? 😀Let's not forget...some of our fellow AMERICANS do not. Which leads me back to Trump...
The Reckoning: From Obama to Trump - Empire
When Barack Obama became president, the United States was a wounded nation. His predecessor, George Bush, had taken the country to war against Iraq on false ...

The Crusades, An Arab Perspective - Part 1: Shock

Now for something lighter, it's quite excellent, thorough, and informative.
The Crusades, An Arab Perspective - Part 1: Shock
The dramatic story of the Crusades seen through Arab eyes. In this first of a four-part series, we look at the background to the holy wars and the First Crus...

Somalia: The Forgotten Story - Al Jazeera World

πŸ™„Clearing my mind, need a break from Trump and whining about impending catastrophes. 😀😴 ☠️ 😩😡War, famine, genocide, systematic rape, murder, and torture, honor killings, rigged elections, coups, repressive regimes...clear my head very thoroughly.πŸ˜“πŸ˜³
Somalia: The Forgotten Story - Al Jazeera World
The story of Somalia's decline from stability to chaos and the problems facing its people at home and abroad. Correction: A previous version of this film had...