Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Valentina Lisitsa plays Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2

Since early childhood, I have LOVED this piece!! Little kid. Don't recall how old, I could read beyond basics. But the songs I wanted to play didn't have words, so it did not matter. I spent many childhood years trying to learn THIS, progressively as I aged. It was a life project. Well thru college or anytime I accessed a piano, rare. I'd pick it back up without question had I a piano now. I had first heard a recording which I loved immediately, well enough to memorize the name "Liszt" (I couldn't spell it) and "Hungarian". Don't know how I heard the recording at home. I matched its title and artist with the music from one of Elaine's piano books by chance - I recognized it in the book "Liszt" and "Hungarian". I guessed by looking at the music on the page. It sounds very wide on the keyboard, I could tell by the music notation (that I couldn't really read) it too was hugely expansive. I started to try it. It was the right one! There are a few. I still recall the thrill! Deep bass keys you never touch were played in this. So beautifully. Took forever to find them, many were below into the space with no lines on the music notation. I'd still have to count out those notes. Grueling effort that got "easier" with the years. I made it from the beginning thru more and more of the piece over the years. Stanza by stanza. Had to figure out each note one by one. Anything below Middle C and above A on the right hand, I had to count out each note on the keys and the page - one by one. All left hand I had to count out. Treble clef Spaces: F,A,C,E. Lines: E,G,B,D,F. Every good boy does fine. Bass clef was different. Left hand. And I've forgotten. Starts with Spaces: A,C,E,G? All cows eat grass. Lines?? Don't recall. Who was home with me tolerating all this?! At mom's and dad's places. I would have choked me - "stop playing the same stupid thing over and over!!" Hence, I don't have kids. In some ways I wish I had been able to see this back then. It would have helped. On the other hand I don't think I would have been inspired after watching this. What was I thinking?! Totally determined. Loved doing it. So difficult but an awesome reward each session. I must admit, I lacked her flourishes and feathery touch. I want to play the piano! Bet I can still play the very beginning from memory. It's etched in my DNA.
Valentina Lisitsa plays Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Valentina Lisitsa plays Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2. Recorded live on May 22th, 2010 in Leiden, Holland by von Aichberger & Roenneke GmbH Michael von Ai...

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